Hey everybody, good posts. I come to you with a different look on things. You said that death is a part of the nature of life, however, this theory may be so for us and most other forms of life on Earth but not all. To the Buddist who created it he was only preaching of what he knew.
Modern science has determined that cancer cells and other forms of primitive life do not die as a course of decay as is most other beings on Earth including ourselves. Cancer cells and many other primitive life forms are created as we are but will continue to live forever as long as a source of sustenence is provided. Life can exist with far less than many have imagined. Life must be created by some means, be it birth, replication, duplication or otherwise and all it needs for it to be life is to exist and to sustain itself by some means, be it consuming raw matter as we do, or otherwise. It is not our duty as Human beings on this Earth to protect it merely to survive as all other life forms strive to. It is the most natural form of nature for us to merely exist with the concept of improving our own personal existence on this planet and not the other forms of life. It is true that we endanger ourselves and our existence by some negative actions we have on our planet but we must not conclude that we are the protectors or saviors of this planet or otherwise a higher being than that of other life on this planet.
so with all this in mind, what is our fundamental meaning of existence. To live, as all other living beings strive for. Not the conquest of our planet or universe, social-moral or religeous fullfillment, the exploitation of our intelligence. Merely to live.
Tell me what you think.