I do believe that math exists and that intelligence can exist.
I even believe that a particular system of math probably runs the universe, even though we have not discovered it yet.
The fact that I have this belief means that I think it is true- so subjective truth exists.
If then god is this truth, is god subjective?
Actually my relationship to god is such that events in my life seem to be somewhat controlled. Although this 'feeling' is very subjective, it is quite the opposite of a math god that is unchangeable. The math laws of the universe are constant and determine what happens under changing environments- such as the addition or reduction of energy. Different levels of energy activate different aspects of the same math laws.
It may be that these laws- laws that are not yet understood- (i)allow for cosmic intelligence besides the physical (human, etc.) intelligence we all know and love, and (ii)that this cosmic intelligence has sufficient understanding of the math laws to control events in our lives.
This where I would look for god- a god or gods that have some meaning in our life. It may turn out that such a god is rather abstract being an almost automatic response of nature to our needs, or it may turn out that an intelligence makes nature respond, or in between it may be that a wide variety of cosmic intelligences are capable of guiding the otherwise automatic responses of nature. Being somewhat Hindu, I prefer this later concept as it is minimalistic in intervention and energy requirements; and besides I could then look forward to some day being one of these intelligences if in my cosmic life I can learn and come to understand the math laws of nature.
I know Harv was oversimplifying diliberately. But it did make me think about the range of various concepts of God.
Thanks, Harvey.
Richard |