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Absolute Zero

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Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on February 4, 1999 15:26:07 UTC

: How does the second law of thermodynamics play in the matter of existence, god, et all? Anyone? Theories? Opinions? Nate, H, Phil??

: Tön

Energy conversion is a constant prosses, its direction can be altered but its motion (change) cannot be stopped. Or, if this motion could be stopped, the energy itself would dissapear (be destroyed). There is always a direction for energy to take, if one option is closed off due to natural processes (or man made ones), there is always another available, and depending upon the amounts/varieties (mixture) of energy it would take to "change" or cross over, it always takes the option which allows the simplist conversion, meaning the least amount of change. Absolute zero would require absolute stillness, and would require ALOT of "nothingness" empty space, and might be the opposite of a black hole? Anyway, even if such a thing as an area of Azero existed, I do not think we could ever actually measure it, because all our devices measure the configurations of "something" matter. Also, even the presence of the instruments would bring the temp up, however slight, or, the vastness would in fact "swallow" the energy and would indeed destroy it, but that is just another fancy idea like the rest of this. What exactly is the lowest temp man has measured or achieved? What is the temp in space, say behand the moon, and how close is this to Azero? In my opinion, energy itselt is a perpetual motion engine, the total never changes, only its parts change (not the Sum). Just one idea.

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