RE: >> * Any one who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.
**** I do believe this is the case where you, that is YOU, are concerned**** *
I don’t understand what you are saying ?
RE:>> * ****Here I have a problem for what is more accurate than your insight which is guided by the Holy Spirit. Where else can you find truth if not in your heart. *
God’s “Truth” does not originate in our hearts.
You can only find it there after we receive it.
The process of getting God’s “Truth” into the heart is the key unless you don’t care what kind of “truth” it is. I presume you care that it is God’s..
RE:>> * The bible can be a guide. Your minister or priest can be a guide. *
The Bible is a resource, not a guide.
Your minister or priest are resources, not guides.
There is only one “Guide” and He must dwell within you.
RE:>> * But all other means to trust god rely on intermediaries. *
There is only One means to trust God and He, Jesus Christ, is the Only intermediary.
RE:>> * Only your heart, and I mean specifically YOUR heart has the direct connection.**** *
I don’t understand what you are saying ?
Well, maybe I do. But this connection must pass through the High Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of Majesty in the heavens; The Jesus who died a sinless man and had power to take up His life is He. (John 10:17-18)
Without Him, no connection can be made.
RE:>> * [Romans ??? ] *
I pray I have not been too negligent by leaving out scripture references or quotes, but I presumed that you would not want them as they come from the New Testament portions which are not the “direct words” that Jesus spoke. (At least not the words of His that He recorded in the Bible. (Can I give you this one ? John 21:25 )
Have you had a change of heart ? Will you look to see if they may really be Authored by Him ?
If you would like me to begin giving these so you can check my logic, I would be happy.
RE:>> * *******My problem here is that Jesus was born of flesh, perhaps not for the first or the last time. *
Yes, Jesus was born of flesh. But it was the first and the last time. Once only.
Are you saying that your problem is the “perhaps” part.
I hope I can help you work it out where that perhaps has no room.
Would you not like to rid yourself of all perhaps’es ? I have and I desire that you do too.
RE: * Jesus may come again soon or in thousands of years *
Well, the first part is right, anyway.
( I’m not saying tonight – but I’m not saying it won’t be tonight. )
RE:>> * and be born and then die just like before. *
No. He was resurrected and will return in like manner as He ascended.
RE:>> * Death never had dominion over him. *
Yes ! Hence, He is still alive today and waiting for each person to turn to Him.
You may KNOW that He is waiting. The dark glass between our sight and Him can be pierced by Faith. ( I think we are back to the one problem that can solve all others. )
But this does not have to be blind faith – keep seeking, my friend. He can be found yet.
( He found us first, of course, and is calling out to us. We can hear His voice and recognize our Shepherd who keeps watch over us. )
RE:>> * The facts are just wrong. *
No, facts are never wrong. That’s science.
Your understanding of the scripture just ignores the rest of God’s revelation,
Which cannot be fully understood apart from the whole.
RE:>> * I believe that even if we get salvation and the right to stay in heaven, we may elect to come again on earth for specific functions or to solve particular problems. Perhaps that is the case with you. *
If you get rid of the this “if”, you will see that this is true in part.
The elect (and this is a no brainer choice) will come with Him when He puts down the final problem. As for after that, What?, know ye not that we shall judge the angels ?
( I Corinthians 6:3 ) And this is only a bare glimpse. ( I Corinthians 2:9 )
RE:>> * So that does not make us so different from Christ except he came from a much higher level. In other religions Christlike persons are called avatars and on the order of ten have come so far over a few million years. Jesus is considered an avatar in Hinduism for example. In both Hinduism and Judaiaism, all religions are considered valid paths to God. As you know that is my belief, but not my faith. My faith is the religion I found in my heart*****
These are not the same Jesus. He said many would come in His name.
Don’t you believe that antichrists would know the Genesis 3:1 best tactic award ?
My prayer is that your faith not be any “religion” found in your heart,
but the “relationship” found by giving your heart to Him – the one who died for you.
I wish I could, but I could never be that friend – if I died for you, it would pay for nothing. You would be in your sins still. Oh that His Grace would appear to you as it did to me. Such love we cannot understand.
My best to you – I wish we had more time. I won’t stop conversing if you wish to continue, but my time is getting thinner due to other commitments coming very soon.
I am sorry for the circumstances, but I am blessed to have met you.
Eric %^) |