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Betty Crocker's Recipe For A Universe With Walnuts

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Posted by John on August 22, 2003 14:42:23 UTC

God is an idea. One that helps many deal with death and fear of the unknown. It's a fine idea and a helpful one at that. But, it's still an idea: a creation of the human animal. It is surprising that for beings so capable of rational thought and reasoning, that we hold on to the belief that there's some form of life beyond our own. And that this life (and the next) is watched over by a greater being. One that is certainly more capable of creating this great place we call our universe than Aunt Margaret who, incidentally, is quite spectacular in the kitchen. If she's brewing up a little universe in her mixing bowl, I think I'd like to live there. Her kind heart and soul are the ingredients you just can't taste, see or touch...but you know they're in there. Do I need to have faith they're there? Even if I don't see the batch of brownie batter pour out of her mixing bowl, into the greased 9x11, blue-tinted, pyrex bake ware, and placed in the oven? Should I just take her word for it when she brings over the foil wrapped trasure's and passes them proudly around to family and friends? What if she stopped by Stop and Shop and bought some SaraLee knock-off and wrapped them in some foil out in the parking lot? Does the homemade taste, the heart and soul, come through simply by her suggesting to me that she made them? I sure am satisfied after finishing my last sip of ice cold milk and popping the remaining hunk of my Aunt's so-called homemade heart and soul brownie in my mouth, followed by a half-glass refill of some more of that ice cold milk...for the rinse, of course. "You know", I'd say, "they really are terrific Margaret...except for the walnuts. You've NEVER used walnuts in the past...".

The point of this, if it is not obvious, is that we, as humans, are a highly suggestive animal. We like to follow the pack. We like to believe what we're told. Look at the way urban legends spread though culture's like wild-fire. There's nothing wrong with this except that when viewpoints are limited, sometimes the obvious is lost. Take Aunt Margaret's counterfiet brownies for example. If she were to suggest they were hers, no one would have been the wiser. We simply would have gone on enjoying them and believing they were her's indefinetely. All the heart, all the soul, all the homemade goodness...if it weren't for those walnuts of course.

If you search for the "walnuts" in faith, you may find that that's all you've got...a bunch of walnut's and no brownie. Unless, of course, you like walnuts....that's another post for another time.


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