Try this?:
"Uncertain" means: "choice of options" (as to exist is to be already "certain" in that the word "certain" is an over-definition; if something IS; it IS (no need to say:" "is certain" as "certainty" a redundant word).
So the only "real" "uncertainty" would involve "a choice of options".
So what does "more certain" mean? Must mean "a narrowed down choice of options".
So how does nature narrow down its options?
Good question.
You want "a process". What is "process"?
If you want a fixed defined process: then you want to "narrow down the options".
So one is looking here for, it seems:
"a narrowed down of options" (that is: a "process") of how nature "narrows down options" (makes something more certain!)
Its interesting to note that in "word definition" in a dictionary: if you narrow down the options of defining a word; you remove "interference effects" of possible clashes of "mutual definitions".
Or in Chess you reduce clashes in possible "game-plans" as you narrow your idea of what move to make next.
(As you narrow your options on what move you will next make in a Chess game, you also reduce clashes that your different options would generate regarding future options of moving pieces).
So in Chess "narrow down options" also "expands options" for a particular game-plan. So when you make a single move; all the options for possible game-plans available from that move are released (whereas when you were juggling many options for your single next move, there was much interference of possible game-plans).
(This is a Chess-model version of E = mc squared:
"m" as "uncertainty" and "E" as "alternatives" and "c squared" as "comparison of comparison").
(The uncertainty in weighing up alternatives (in comparing comparisons) is the intrinsic "E" that is a mass definition of energy (an "uncertainty" definition of "alternatives"; an "alternative-space" of alternatives; effectively "gravitational entropy" the (Weyl curvature?) attraction of various alternatives to each other in the "weighing up" "curves" the "alternative space" in accordance with the negotiation room the alternatives have with each other.
(This "false vacuum" is full of "virtual photons" (possible comparisons of potential Chess games from particular choices for the next move.)
The whole universe may be created anew at every choice, as a freely created structure in Heaven.
We are told that bread and wine are the Body and Blood of God.....
"In Him We Live And Move And Have Our Being".
We are told "God is Three and God is One".
As a newborn baby I was aware of a state of living where "my every move was as a new law of physics, as if the very air parted to let me through". Now; the apparent? say lack of spiritual-bodily synchronisation people older than newborn say have, might reduce; persons might one day "rise from the dead" it seems, become fully conscious; transparent; at one with the universe (in full life state: one does not know one's future, yet it feels as if it is already known).
Also what came to mind is: Christopher Langan's idea of : "conspansive duality"; and Dr. Dick's idea of "data transmission as part of the explanation"; and the idea of "precession"; of Professor Stephen Hawkings writings on "Taub-nut" and "Taub-bolt" solutions re: certain "space-times.
A precession of a precession?
Jesus Christ said "as you judge, so you are judged"; "how is it that you see the mote in your brother's eye, but not the beam in your own" as I recall reading/hearing (I am raised in Catholic faith).
All looks very interesting...............
So how does "nature"...."nature?"
What is "nature"?
What process ("narrow down the options") does "nature" use in "making uncertain more certain" (that is: in narrowing down options)?
Seems that "nature" will not be tied down....say....?
When I go into a supermarket I "narrow down my options" about what type of bread to buy; by comparing and matching patterns...? (Examples of patterns: what ingredients are used in the bread; is it "on special" price; how much money do I want to spend; do I want to try something different? etc.)
You are asking me it seems: how does God do what God does? How does God make the universe?
There are clues in the Bible:
"Thou art Peter, and to thee I give the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. As you bind on Earth, consider it bound in Heaven. As you loose on Earth, consider it loosed in Heaven" (as I recall).
Perhaps we could say "how" nature "makes uncertain more certain" is a question of "the way".
More from the Gospel we learn "Jesus is The Way, The Truth, And The Life".
Jesus is God. He is "The Way. The Truth, The Life".
God is Love.
"How" does nature make its choice? Love. By not coercing patterns together, by allowing free association of patterns in full light of consciousness (so not tripping over in darkness).............. ........does that seem O.K.? ???????
Physicist Roger Penrose notes that nature seems that it will not be constrained: try to tie it down here and it balloons out over there.
John Cramer found a "handshake" model (transactional interpretation) for quantum mechanics.
"The Way is the Truth is the Life".
Eternal life....
I can not say "how" nature "makes certain" that which was uncertain....
it is not determined..............
it could be "determined" by responsible free choice... it's a question of will...
"as you bind on Earth, consider it bound in Heaven"....
you are part of nature...
how nature makes its next choice is partly up to you it appears....?
I found a model of physics as "a conference or discussion where every voice gets a hearing, no-one is left out, where creation is transparent in freedom..."
It seems that "how" involves "consciousness"...
One might say "nature counts by a process: "consciousness"
and so this is a matter of living
------------------any comments on this attempt?