It is as follows.
The Torah describes an original creation which was without death.
Death was given as a penalty on Adam because he broke the one and only rule God gave him. Which was don’t eat from the tree of knowledge. ( Perhaps God thought Adam would learn to much for his own good.) God decreed death for Adams penalty Gen 3:14.
Lest we judge God to harshly on His penalty for Adams willful violation.
The rest of the Torah explains how God plans an escape for mankind which only requires humility on our part, while requiring God to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Evolution starts at this point in time however it is not a blessing but a curse.
Adams curse describes deterioration of the DNA structure of plants “Thorns and thistles will grow for you”
This indicates that plants will mutate into a form which will not only be poor food sources but will be capable of harming humans.
The death penalty for Adam indicates that mankind will also experience DNA deterioration.
The life forms which reproduce faster will of course mutate faster which means bacteria is much more dangerous then say ... a tree.
Fortunitly through intelligent selection and elimination of mutated species we may be able to restore much of the original condition of nature. The Torah indicates that the original live span of mankind was 800 to 900 years even after the curse was in effect. It would be interesting to see how close we can get to that life span with modifications to our DNA structure and our environment.
Yes I do believe in evolution.
I believe that is a curse not a blessing.
I believe that nature is changing from a unified, peaceful, harmonizing, ecology to a selfish, ruthless ecology which is at war with itself.
I guess this can be though of as good or bad depending on what you prefer in your ecologies.
Just curious:
If you had to create an ecology system on the moon under a giant bubble would you introduce mosquitoes? |