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Metaphysics And Entangled Particles

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Posted by Frank Lombard on April 8, 2000 19:58:33 UTC

I was thinking on the issue of entangled particles and fascinated by the implication of FTL communications and computing. Many papers have been written about the subject by the title of "Teleportation". Prior to these papers many scientist had the opinion that no useful information could be communicated with the effect, I believed this to be the problem of the destruction of the photon once detected. Now there are methods for the non-destructive detection of photons and therefore a means to impart a condition on the photon that could then be sensed at a receiving station containing the coupled particle. Yes the photons that are entangled must be captured in some kind of cavity. Well to get to the point, when particles become entangled the logical consequences are that they become one unit. Which means what ever you do to one you have affected the other. The nature of the particle`s character has broken locality, in other words no exchange of energy or signal has occurred between the two particles only that since both are one time and space are a non issue with respect to the two. The analogy to this would be a memory location in a computer with to labels, in other words two variables pointing to the same memory location. Not only does the analogy demonstrate the same effect of entangled particles but think of how measuring the memory location by calling the variable names would affect the results. If the measurement called for the complimenting of the bits in the memory, when one variable is measured a result is recorded. When the other variable is measured with the same complement function the result is the opposite of the first variable. Exactly like the entangled particle effect! Now the subtlety of this effect could be a hint of a 5th dimension that is only manifested as a point. This would mean a degree of freedom of matter that extends outside of the traditional Riemann manifold. The consequences of sharing the same location in the 5th dimension would be much like the computer memory analogy. The locality that Einstein so passionatly insisted on is bypassed. Any thoughts, suggestions or comments?

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