Hello posters,
I know it has been awhile since I posted anything here, but I have been quite busy with two jobs and school. Now that summer is here, I hope to be more involved in this forum.
I come with a few questions that have been nagging at my mind for the past few weeks. I have a sister that is gay and I have been trying to figure out if God will or will not allow her into heaven because of her homosexuality. She said it is all "nature vs. nurture". I strongly disagree. To me, both sides of this conflict indicate that someone else is to blame for the homosexuality of the individual. "Nature" suggests that the individual is gay due to their genotype. "Nurture" suggests that the individual's homosexuality is due to the way they were raised. Neither of these "sides" imply that maybe the homosexuality of an individual was decided by the individual themself.
So which is it?
And, from my point of view, I don't think that God is really "for" or "against" homosexuality. The whole idea that our God's most important gift is the freedom of choice--and yet He is willing to press us with all of these rules and things that He doesn't accept--just doesn't make sense. I believe that God's greatest gift given to mankind is the freedom of choice. All the evidence I see points to that conclusion. God has only directly intervened with the future of humanity only a few times. I am sure that He did those things only when it was absolutely necessary to do so.
So I honestly believe that God will not judge us based on our sexuality. To judge us on one thing alone wouldn't make sense anyway.
To bring up my last question, I want to know who has the right to give something(His creation of humanity) the complete right of choice--but in the same breath can say "you can't do this, this, and this". Can anyone explain the logic in that to me? If He wanted a perfect reality, He would have created it. I think He doesn't want puppets. But to tell someone that they have to follow your rules is controlling them in an indirect way. This doesn't make since. This feels like something a government would make up, not God.
It seems all of the bible is worded to have the best affect of control on "the public".
Chris |