One of this forum's posters wrote to me:
"You have been exposed to be a liar, and you admitted it above."
Although the archives show that poster to
have been strongly and repeatedly distorting
the matter, it is ironic that
he continued to accuse me of slander and backed off from that accusation only
this week by saying I do not have the stature to slander him. (See other forums at this site).
But since he
had already said I am exposed as a liar 20 weeks ago, it seems odd that until this week he still believed I had the stature to slander him.
Unless (and this is crucial) ...he simply does not know the meanings of the words he uses.
See also:
…I do believe that the laws of Moses or God, as you wish, covered a number of items that might be considered social convention. Let's see if I can think of any off hand. a. resting one day a week; b. leaving the corners of your field unharvested so the poor can eat; c. returning all your family has acquired to the original owners every 50 years; and so on. These and many more are all part of the 613 commandments of god in the Torah. …
I converted to Reform Judaism at age 40 after years of study of Hebrew scripture. However, the State of Israel does not recognize that I am a jew since my mother was a catholic.
I love Judaism, and think that Jesus was very jewish, a total jew, who was trying to reform Judaism, as Moses told us we should do. I accept the reforms of Jesus but not the dogma of Paul, which I think is largely a distortion of the teaching of Jesus.
-- not spoken by Mike Pearson