"...anglo-imperialists have been in every nation in the middle east, from english intervention in palestine, egypt, jordan to russia in afghanistan and iran and france in northern africa, algeria morocco and couple others i dont remember."
1) I am not as able as you to identify "Anglos" from many other Europeans.
By "Anglos" do you mean the ancient name for one tribe in the English gene pool? Are you saying it is their "Anglo-ness" that makes them do what you say they do? Do most or all Anglos behave similarly?
"... there are anglo'national troops and money everywhere"
Do you mean "Everywhere?" I certainly do not believe that can be accurate.
"...on the pretense of protection of a nation from some "rogue" state that was ironically armed and supported at one point by either the us, russia, france or england."
Mike: So, are you saying the U.S., Russia, France, and England are all "Anglos?"
"...this conflict amongst anglo nations within non anglo nations is peculiar to me"
Please name the "Anglo nations"
"...can anyone deny that anglican culture (as i dont believe the anglican slant to be religious rather cultish) is colonial in its mentality?
they see land that has some sort of benefit to them and they devise strategies to control the resources and people of that land."
Mike: Do you believe religion is better thatn culture? How do other tribes behave when they "see land that has some sort ot benefit to them?"
anglican mentality has militaristically(violently) or economically forced its way into every continent on the globe."
Mike: I like that "or" .... You mean that you object to the times the they "force"-d others to trade with them? The U.S., France, Russia and England are guilty of trading with others. I notice you did not mention the Roman Empire, or the Spanish, or the Chinese, the Greek or the north African behavior in history, though each of these has a history of significant invasions. In fact, genetically, Europe is mostly a blend of Asian and African DNA.
Europe was invaded from North Africa, and from Mongolia, and by the Aryans from India. There are more examples yet. Why do you omit these?
Secondly, the Western Hemisphere's human history, though more sparse, is beginning to emerge as a case of migration from the Eastern Hemisphere.
Many battles have been fought in the Western Hemisphere in ancient times before tribes acquired written languages.
"...they proclaim their own superiority and for a time, long enough to subdue the binding traditions and practices of that area and enforce their own, reignite old tensions amongst the various tribes to divide them to ultimately subjugate and oppress the peoples. the various methods include all out dessimation of the population, philosophical and political changes that empower puppet leaders and militaristic support of that entity to their own ends."
In light of your other statements, I wish to see your reply before attempting to answer this last part. I think you may have been too unjust so far. I attribute it to being a human being
and believe we can come to a higher plane. |