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"Who...," "... Someone...," "... Angel Of Death..."

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Posted by Phillip Martin on November 22, 2002 02:38:58 UTC


"How's school going? If you ask a question,
do you really want to tell your own idea too?
We want to read it."

School is going fine now. I had an essay test today. I hate essay tests. We had a hour and a half to write three pages about each of ten questions. You may not consider that too much, but keep in mind, I am in high school. I am not sure what you were trying to get across to me in the rest of that passage. can you clarify?

"In reply to the question
my strategy could be to place all the pertinent
rumors side by side and see which are plausible.
Here are some:
1) Akashic records are an archive of our thoughts and communications. Who administers them is not quite clear. Like the internet archive, they are probably thinned to save space.
Like the Library at Alexandria long ago, they
probably have a problem or two."

"who...?" My view agrees in many ways to the idea of Akashic records. The only differences are in how the information is stored and accessed. I have only seen it defined as some sort of spiritual knowledge only accessible, during life, to clairvoyants and the like. I believe the evidence for every event and thing is stored in the existence of everything else. After I die, I believe, my "... personal mental progress and works..." will be lost in this form, but the information will never be lost. Throughout eternity, my personal mental progress and works will be accessible to anything and everything. That is, so long as whatever is trying to access it has a means of computing the relationships of every particle in the Universe. Nothing except the Universe itself can ever do this, the Universe is its own archival system. If I were to try to access Albert Einstein's personal mental progress and works, I would have to know the relative values of everything and have a way to reverse-engineer it in a way that I essentially can go back in time (but just see the information, not interact with it).

2) The universe's sole glimmer of consciousness
is the sheen across all things (or, alternately,
all life, or, alternately, all sentient life)
and this glimmer is striving to erect a stronghold -- hence religion's main purpose, though it wanders far off that into things like dress codes, balderdash we must recite, and such."

The beginning of that statement is what I meant by my 'the universe is nothing more than an absolute calculator' argument. I think the universe is its own stronghold, and that no matter how 'strong' or 'weak' the 'hold' seems to be, it is always the same 'strength', and can never possibly change 'strength'. This is how I see consciousness as a whole, however. What I was asking for in the post to which you were referring in that statement was consciousness on a personal (per-brain) level.

3) Our earnest strivings are not entirely in vain, since if we are jerked out of our bodies
at an inopportune time (and what isn't?) by the Angel of Death, our personal mental progress and works are somehow given to someone who will, of course, mostly fritter them away, but not entirely."

I disagree with this idea. It directly contradicts my modified Akashic records idea. I do not agree with the part about the loss of most of the information. The rest seems to have promise, but as a whole, I disagree.

4) Related to 3) is some conservation of mental
progress found in the physics of relationships."

I suppose that the best explanation of my thoughts would be a combination of #1 and #4 (minus the aspects that I disagree with in #3)

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