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Posted by Whittier on November 21, 2002 23:14:24 UTC

Hi J.Ray,
I hope all these links work...and somewhere in
there we have a starting place. (Apologies to
anyone who deserved to be embarrassed by being quoted and wasn't quoted below.)
Aurino: “Wait! I do have my own theories, and they include consciousness as an essential part of the explanation rather than as a superfluous by-product, which is what evolutionists claim.”
Alan: “But "a way of looking at a way of looking": isn't that consciousness? “
Alan:”And it just so happens that "self-reference" also happens to be a UNIVERSAL: consciousness.”
Sam:”I do not believe a soul is nessesary for consciousness. I think birds act like their parents, which have acted like their parents, which has gone on since the begining. It's mostly instinct. Humans are different.”
Luis:”Perception plus interpretation of perception equals consciousness.
I perceive, and interpret what I perceive. …I am a conscious being.”
Mike: “Consciousness Is Not Force But The Harnessing Of Force “
Ruquist:”First of all I have to explain that I think consciousness is uncollapsed quantum waves.”
Mike: "Consciousness" can be defined in very different ways.
a) Indirectly, Harv essentially defined it as the stuff of motor control.
b) You seem to be defining consciousness as "brain functions" that can visualize and compute...
c) Metacognition is sometimes called "higher consciousness."
Mike:“…consciousness provides INPUTS to and receives OUTPUTS from phenomena which are studied in population biology, information theory, and sociology.”
Mike: “…consciousness defined as the ability to entertain abstraction.”
Phillip: “Our consciousness is simply the sum of our stored information and connections, and can be copied.”
Aurino: “… consciousness (ie. our existence) is too awesome and beautiful a thing to be simply mechanistic in origin.”

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