Does the aether hypothesis come from Direct Revelation? Many people may claim their ideas do, and yet have differing ideas one from another.
I claim mine is with the help of DR, yet Einstein was a spiritual man. And here I am differing with him.
DR does not actually give final answers to things, in my experience, but rather provides progressively more clarifying ideas. As with iterations.
I claim to contribute to the development of understanding. My ideas seem absolutely true to me, but since I've been wrong on a number of occasions before, I am the first one to test my own theories.
If you want, I'll describe how DR works for me. it's nothing mystical. I expect anyone can do it. But there may be some qualifications, like a willingness to avoid Black Magic. God requires a clean vessel, and all that. But He still seems willing to work with one that is tarnished.
In the process of learning the difference between wrong and right, we are often "led into temptation", simply because we have some harsh lessons to learn. Therefore, one may think he has access to DR, and that it is the Ultimate Correctness, only to find out he got suckered into another "learning experience".
Is my Aether Physics right or wrong? Ultimately I don't know until predictions and applications work out. But Relativity has already done that, so what then? Relativity has;- in some aspects;- but not totally. So it is an iteration. I have no problem with that. But Relativity has gone as far as it can. There is the need for further work to fill in the blanks and get rid of paradoxes, etc.
Whether any individual considers my ideas those of a crackpot, or a genius, is incidental. The Physical Truth is as it is. Opinions do not control the Universe. |