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I Have Had Some DR

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on November 18, 2002 18:26:40 UTC

But it was associated with my protest of the Star Wars space defense system. The DR claimed that putting weapons in space was an irreversible step towards WWIII and also that I had promised to stop such a deployment before I was born. However
the physics to prevent that deployment was
not obtained by DR. It actually was well known in certain circles that the deployment was inherently vulnerable. I just produced and published some simple theorem-like math to illustrate the problem. The end result is Brilliant Pebbles which is not inherently vulnerable.
I have never had any DR for the physics ideas (hypotheses)I promote- namely that Dark Matter is composed of an axionic superfluid that can store information and in which humans probably can think (along with disembodied spirits).

Now since dark matter constitutes most of the galactic mass, it is able to bend light just as you hypothesize, and in agreement with GR. To call it Aether is therefore not far from the truth. But the word Aether has so much political charge that it is not PC to use it, unless you just want to create controversy and be labelled a crackpot. The axionic superfluid is sufficient reason for the crackpot label, but it's more PC to use that terminology.

So my guess is that the DR has pointed you towards a new kind of physics that the DR source would think of as Aether. But since you operate on this plane, it is up to you to find a scientifically acceptable way to present it. Otherwise, the DR is just wasting time and energy that could go more profitably into another researcher.


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