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OBEs Are Illusions

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Posted by Aurino Souza on September 23, 2002 13:11:54 UTC

You can't possibly get outside of your body, for the simple that you are never inside it in the first place.

I have had my share of those so-called OBEs, and I can tell you, they are weird. I never asked for them, I don't know why I had them, never wanted one, and still don't know what they mean.

The most powerful one happened one Saturday afternoon. I simply woke up and walked to the kitchen, only to suddenly find myself back in bed. "I must have dreamt it", I thought. So I woke up again, for real this time, I thought, and walked to the kitchen. Then, all of a sudden I'm back in bed.

That happened four times. It freaked me out. For days I would now and then check myself to make sure I was really where I thought I was or not. One can easily go nuts if one has those experiences too often. Highly unrecommended.

Now I was a skeptic before I had that one. Problem is, the world could care less what you believe about it, it works just the same. Having just one of those experiences can blow many of your beliefs away, as they more often than not do. You cease to believe in the stupid idea that you know what is possible and what is not. You open your mind to the possibility that most of what you call "the world" is just a big illusion. You realize there's far more to be lived, to be experienced, than this boring reality we are slaves to.

If only we knew what to do with that new knowledge...

And since I don't know what to do with it, I decided to ignore it and wait for the Universe to reveal Itself to me when It feels like doing it. As It did that Saturday afternoon.

I guess the secret is to keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground. Not easy but still possible.

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