This is my impression on how many special creatonists come to their conclusions:
I believe in the Bible as the direct Word of God. In Genesis 1 and other scriptures, God is quoted as creating the world in 6 literal days. There is no evolution, that's been emphasized to me from people that I trust. Recently, I started to encounter people who believe in evolution. I am counter to that view because it contradicts my beliefs of the Bible. If the Bible spoke about evolution, then I would believe it, but it does not. Therefore, I am looking at science and looking through creationist websites for evidence against evolution and for creation. If I can show incidences that evolutionists cannot explain, then I have contradicted evolution, and then I help bring these individuals to Christ because they will see that the Creator must have made the world according to His word, the Bible.
I've come across a lot of creationist information, some of it I understand, some of it I don't understand. I post most of what I understand, but I find that it works better just to give the link and just re-iterate what I read there myself. The Creationist website is good at picking issues which evolutionists don't have an answer. So, I use those.
Oh wow, once in a while, though, I get embarrassed because the Creationist information isn't always up-to-date. One time I posted some information about moon dust that I thought disproves the age of the universe as billions of years old. Boy, did those evolutionists tear my head off. For some reason the creationists at that site forgot to pull the discredited information off the web. It was a slight mistake on my part (and their's, maybe I tell them?), anyway, it doesn't change my behavior too much. I just have to be more careful what I post.
Oh looky here, this website talks about woodpeckers. Yeah, how could woodpeckers evolve gradually?? Oh this will get them. Let's see them respond to this one. Call me a kid, will they? Ha ha. Just like that class when all the kids were against me for my creationist beliefs, I'll show them that I can defend my beliefs.
Anyway, I'll just keep plugging away. I think if enough of us quote from these links, that maybe we'll have some effect. Hmmm... maybe I should go into biology or something and study evolution in college? If I go to a creationist school then I probably won't be harrassed for my religious beliefs on creation, but if I go to a secular school, then I have to learn science according to how evolutionists see it. I'm not scared or anything, but it's just that I never studied that much science from evolutionists. I hope that there's enough creationist literature that I can read which helps me understand how the evolutionary teachings are false. It's something to consider.
Oh well, I have to get back to countering evolution. I was thinking about buying a book on evolution, but some of it is way beyond me in understanding it. Good thing that I believe that evolution is false. Otherwise I wouldn't know what to believe. Good thing for the internet too!
Sam, I know you will deny thinking like the above. However, everything you've shown me is that this is how you think. If so, then no wonder why you are so easily misled by creationist tactics. First, you must understand the fundamentals of the theory. You must learn what the theory has predicted, the number of predictions that were observed, and how the theory has been successful at explaining the thousands of scientific quagmires that eventually led up to evolutionary understanding. You cannot let your religious beliefs to interfere with understanding the world. Otherwise, you are doing exactly the opposite of the spirit of Christianity, which is to love the truth and seek it diligently. Don't be fooled by woodpeckers, moon dust, and such. Your creationist elders are only blowing dust into your eyes.
Warm regards, Harv |