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You Might Be Right...but Have Not "refuted" This

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Posted by Michael W. Pearson on July 25, 2002 15:35:01 UTC

Better post
There's a joke that the way to get water on Mars is to punch the face on Mars until it cries and then
harvest the tears. That's also a Machiavellian maneuver. History is full of all- out liars. I don't see Dr.
Dick engaging in as much psychobabble as he's been receiving.

The stuff you just posted is not
validated as research, and could be pure propaganda.
Your following quote is also a case in point:
"Van Flandern (snip), contending for years (snip)-- despite several patient, detailed refutations put to
him by (snip)..."

This is not what I've seen about Dick's paper.
What I've seen are "It's a crock..." and "Mistake in the math at an esoteric level which only a few understand."

It would be fun to read "several patient detailed refutations" of Dr. Dick's post at:
He wrote:
"So I say "clocks do not measure time" and everyone just barfs all over me! Well, if I don't think clocks measure time, what do I think they are measuring? I say clocks measure what Einstein calls "proper time". Now all the scientists say, "well proper time is time in the rest frame of the clock" -they see my complaint as spurious and they go back to whatever they were doing - conversation over.

But there is a problem there; a problem they all utterly refuse to even look at. The issue is that clocks absolutely always measure proper time along their space time path! No competent physicist will argue with that, they simply see it as unimportant. Again, argument is over and by this time they are convinced that I just think I am right and will not listen to their well defended position.
But I say it is very important from a very fundamental perspective! Clocks directly measure the path length of their trajectory in Einstein's geometry. Now "clocks" are very important parts of modern physics. Any conceivable entity which has internal structure which changes in time can perform the service of a clock so there are very few entities studied in physics which are not clocks. It follows that their internal structure performs a measure of the path length of their trajectory. And this is "ALWAYS" true, even in accelerating frames!

But, is the path length of their trajectory the same as time? Well of course not and no physicist would claim such a ridiculous thing. Therefore, I say clocks do not measure time! Instead, they measure path length in Einstein's geometry."
-- said Dr. Dick at

Can you answer that, anyone?


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