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The Frames Are All Proper?

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Posted by Alan on August 4, 2002 09:24:42 UTC

Hi Luis,

You inspired me to write and understand some stuff that seems to explain more: thankyou thankyou thankyou!

My guess is that all the reference frames, generated as it were in a circular word dictionary, are each priveleged in their own way. They are all "proper".

"Proper time" takes into account the distance apart of two objects (object: = a change in an environment), and the distance apart of two happenings (effectively two more "objects": happening: a change in an environment).

Now we have a kind of "equivalence principle" between "object" and "happening"; we can speak of four objects being taken into account in the concept "proper time".

For a clock (clock = two happenings; so similar to a ruler = two objects) to MEASURE something else requires a meta-clock (or meta-ruler) that gives you clock (=2) + measured item (1) = 3.

The measured item to have any size (clock or ruler) at all must involve 2 with a distance or time between them.

So you have your 4: clock 2 measures new item 2.
You can also look at this as new item 2 measures clock 2.

These 4 (often called 4D space-time) generate a 3 (comparison of two patterns).

All measurement is 3 based (comparison of two patterns)

Bring two items together and you have: comparison of two patterns MEETS comparison of two patterns.

The "comparison" we call "photon".
The two comparisons form a superposition of states of possible "measurments".

A "measurement" we call "particle" or "interaction" and has a 3-form (comparison of two patterns).

The techniques of quantum electrodynamics are simply the adding of superposed compared patterns (so adding of complex numbers as 2D number represents 2 patterns compared).

The interaction of "light" and "matter" is the interaction of "comparison" and "category intersection" (category intersection = definition; matter appears to be a probability density of superposed comparisons).

So you have: 2 patterns compared MEETS 2 patterns compared: result: these 4 deliver a 3 which is the new: 2 items met and were compared.

This new 3 system meets another 3 system and you get a further new 3 system!

2 patterns compared (virtual 3rd) meets 2 patterns compared (virtual 3rd) is describable by an exchange of virtual particles (2-pattern meetings) generated by the superposition of the meeting of the 2 comparisons (the photons).

The "forces" between the 2 patterns compared MEETS 2 patterns compared are the extents to which these patterns repel and attract through possible common ground comparison.

The weakest force between them is gravity.
Consider two words in a dictionary. Words are defined by other words.
Two words may be far apart in meaning.
But you can still travel a long path through many other words in the dictionary and connect them.

If the words are very "massive"; there will be many words close in meaning to them. So even if each masive word is far apart in meaning; there will be many paths you can travel between them.

Thus the attraction of two massive wordsto eachother is quite strong.

Two "light" words do not attract much. But if they are close in meaning; the path you have to travel through the dictionary between them will be short.

So in a dictionary: "distance" between words is coupled with "number of superposed alternative distances" between the words to give an overall "distance density" between the words. This "distance density" is made up of fractal dimensions of the meanings of the words and fractal dimensions of the separation of the words in the dictionary.

The "gravitational constant" is similar to the "speed of light constant": it is the CONSTANT COMPARISON via self-referent comparison. This constant is thus "a way of looking at a way of looking": it is consciousness.

Everything is built as it were out of consciousness.

Gravity is expressed with a formula involving the "weak force" (multiplication) and the "strong force" (division): Gravity constant G = m1m2 over r squared.

m1m2 are the two words multiplied by each other: thus a superposition involving how each word views the other. Resolving this superposition gives a "deal" between the words where each is different but sharing common ground.

Divide this deal + common ground BY the square of the distance betwen the words.

That is, divide it BY a superposition of two ways of looking at the distance between the two words. So you are dividing by a distance DEAL + distance common ground.

The distance deal is what does not define the words. The meaning deal is what does define them. I guess the distance common ground is what COULD define them; and the meaning common ground is what COULD separate them.

Example: suppose I wear a blue hat and see a blue sky. What DEFINES me is not "blue" in terms of "distancing" me from the definition of sky. "Blue" is common ground between me and sky. It COULD separate me (as in includes the hat) from the sky definition SO LONG AS it is coupled with something that differentiates me from the sky. (Role of COUPLING in QED appearing here it seems).

Now: it appears that the gravitational constant G = (MEANING DEAL + MEANING COMMON GROUND) / (DISTANCE DEAL + DISTANCE COMMON GROUND)
and since "meaning deal" has a constant ratio to "distance common ground" giving "what it means"/ "what it could mean"; and since "distance deal" has a constant ratio to "meaning common ground" giving a "what it doesn't mean" / "what it might not mean" to without working out all the details just now ets you to the constant of comparison called G, I guess.

The speed of light, c, works a similar way.
The techniques of "comparing and matching patterns", called quantum electrodynamics; readily apply it appears to "adding pathway lengths and frequencies" in working out gravity.

In this, the quanta of gravity does appear to be
superpositions of fractal dimensions.

Electro-magnetism does apppear to be represented bt "addition" and "subtraction".

Returning to the 2 patterns compared (so + virtual 3rd) MEET 2 patterns compared (so + virtual 3rd): gives new 3 object (2 patterns compared + virtual 3rd):

This is reminiscent of DNA 3,4 interchanges. It does appear that (as in the topic I once posted "Inter-dimensional DNA" that the universe we see is constructed via a DNA like pattern-comparison interchange system with perhaps even a double helix involved.



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