I have posted the hyperfine data previously, but the emperor has never responded.
Here is a copy of his view:
***Oh back to the main point. the thing of forgot. The expansion thoery. I have brought this up before and I was surprised that you didn't list the leading theory. The theory allows for one to simaltaniusly have a universe that is 6,000 and 15 billion (or 30 if you wish) years old. Using the basic principle that time is just another part of space and the idea that time moves faster or slower depending on the speed at which you travel.***
Astronomers have measured the hyperfine constant, which depends on the speed of light, from quasars some 12 billion light years ago. These quasars are speeding away from us at around half the speed of light. So the expansion theory can be tested with light from these objects; and the relevant numeric is the hyperfine constant.
The measurements indicate that the hyperfine constant is smaller (or is it larger?) by one millionth of its value. This negates the expansion theory. But I must compliment the creationists for publishing a theory that is falsifiable. Nothing in the bible is experimentally falsifiable.
On the other hand, the one millionth discrepancy also negates the standard theory. So physics still has even fundamental unanswered questions.
Finally, I would like to point out a logical discrepancy in the expansion theory. They make the speed of light a constant and then allow the rate of time to vary with the speed of an object in relation to the speed of light. However, if you just plug time back into the speed of light- obviously if time the rate of time is changing, the speed of light is also changing- the speed of light slows down so much that light ends up taking the same amount of time to get here as it did with no change to the rate of time.
AAron. Would you please look at that theory again. You sound like an intelligent person and as the expansion theory stands, it needs some serious help. It is the fundamental obstacle to any astronomer accepting young earth theory. Ross is the best example- a creationist astronomer of high reputation in that community. Even though he is an avowed creationist, he rejects the young earth theory.
Richard |