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Evolution, Science, Religion, Withchcraft, Warlocks

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Posted by Earl on November 30, 1999 18:42:45 UTC

:Simply stated as "unbelief" warlocks and witches and Satan worshippers believe in mysticism..and obtain their power from demons which satan offers anyone that will serve him. God forbade any of his people (Jews) in the old testament to have any dealings with soothsayers and witches and the like they can be very deceptive which is a power that satan has and God will not work any miracles in unbelief unless he chooses to.. to persuade you of His existance...but it would be just explained away by science....right? So, why would he? You have to come to the place when your science fails you and evolution fails you and you cry out to God. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft so that puts a lot of people in science and evolution into the category of... anyway, it always seems to me that most people on this forum don't even give God and Christ a chance because they think it is religion to trust in their creator. And no, don't associate me with religion, that would be very bad, I'm too intelligent for that. Also, animals don't have eternal souls, people do, we go to heaven or hell when we die, dogs don't, that's what makes us different ; we are created in Gods image. We have three parts soul, body, and spirit which is our innermost being, just like moses built the temple, which had three parts, the outer court, the inner court, and the most holy place where God dwelt, like God is a triune God, and a lot of things that God created come in threes. IF we were to really look we would see God in all of His creation. But, you know, MOST people don't want to look, and if they do, they won't look for Gods handiwork, it is in the Zodiac, which Satan has tried to use for astrology, it tells the whole story of Christ and his death and ressurection, but people dont see that, they see the other.

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