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Re: Tarded (exams Not Over, But Must Continue To Contribute To Forum... Even If.. It Kills Me... Ugh)
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by don on November 30, 1999 18:16:55 UTC |
: bzrd here: This is a case in point of what is dangerous about evolutionary theory. Invariably, science is assimilated into the social culture; Darwin's Origin of the Species was the foundation that Karl Marx used in constructing his socialist society [abyssmal failure]. Einstein's theory of relativity spawned the cultural relativity we see today. "All there is is matter" to quote Carl Sagan, has given us nothing but grief. We tell our young people they are "sophisticated apes" and then we are supprised when we don't have enough cages to put them in. Adolph Hitler had to subject his SS to a psychological process whereby the Jews were "de-humanized" so they could eliminate them. In our own society we have succeded in de-humanizing the human fetus to the extent that it is "legal" to "terminate" them, if they are percieved as an impedement to the life-style of the mother. No, Darwin's theory, [aside from being scientificly invalid] only allows us to dehumanize ourselves. : ***** : Okay, you hit alot of subjects in this one post. : The first was Marxism. Were these ideas really based on evolution? That's new to me. Marx observed the social inequities prevalent at the time of the industrial revolution and made some observations and predictions. He believed that class antagonisms produced by the ever increasing need for profit, would result in such an intolerable level of oppression to the worker, that these workers would inevitably revolt to create a new order. Any reference or basis for evolution, I find absent in this theory. Moreover, there are a number of reasons why this "classless society" has never materialized. That is because in practice, it has always occured where a highly centralized government acts as one single capitalist, that controls the means of production. Marx would have heavily criticized communist Russia. Also, Marx didn't forsee the growth of the middle class. The reason for this is because richer nations were able to pay off their own countries workers by exploiting lesser countries. Thus, first world nations can remain rich at the expense of under developed ones that stay poor. : The ills of capitalism are innumerable. Pollution, mindlessly tearing apart our forests for commodities is, I think, the direct result of capitalism. We don't know what a forest is. Any honest scientist will tell you that. Ignoring this, paper and wood manufactures care only about profits and productivity. Ironically, these same companies advertise their own products as being "natural" and environmentally friendly. Evolution is not to blame here. Evolution provides the mechanism to explain how things evolve. It doesn't not say that intellectually superior beings can tear their habitats apart to the brink of extinction. This is the result of our own arrogance in believing that we can control nature. It stems from our belief that we are some how elevated among animals, and that we are justified in exploiting them. We need to abandon this view. If I remember correctly, the ideas produced by neoplatonic idealism and Christiantiy, formed the basis for the belief that humans are the center of the universe. : Even more ironic, is that you oppose the theory of evolution, when it is the theory that ultimately predicts our own demise if things continue on the they way they are. Nature always strives to achieve a balance, and humans have more than any other species disrupted and dominated the earth more any other species, ever. : P.S. true, evolution has incorrectly been used to justifcy many horrors. But then again... so has religion, and perhaps it is the latter that has the more tarnished track record in demonstrating this (ie. the crusades/spanish inquisition, racism, gender inequality, discrimination against homosexuals, etc, etc.) Things are never as clear cut as religions assert that they are. : P.P.S. evolution is the direct cause of juvinile deliquency?? :Don here: Once again Christianity is not a religion...it is an acceptance of God and His Christ..a way of life....why do you think Christians get the blame for coming up with the idea that humans are the center of the universe? God is the center...we are the peripheral...He is the center and everything revolves around him....and if Carl Sagan were to be able to come back from the dead he'd be screaming to the top of his lungs...I was wrong..!!! Hell is real!! Jesus is Lord!!! God is alive!!! |
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