M"y Dear Michael,
The attributes Of Allah are absolute. I.e. Allah The All Forgiving Allah is Allah The Eternal Allah {therefore} Allah The Eternally Forgiving Allah Everlasting Allah {.......} "
Response: How about relativity? Is that also absolute?
"You see Algebra is the Language of One Unique creation of Allah The Unique Allah creator Of "Angle AL-Gabrail"
Response: It was also developed in stages by human beings.
"Literally translated as "The Equitable Equalizer" You see we have to equalize the dark side and the light side before we can ever hope to penetrate the neck of the delta of the river of life back to Allah The Giver Of Life Allah."
I don't know what y ou mean by equalizing the dark site and the light side. Are you talking about skin pigmentation or do you mean a reconciliation of some kind or do you mean there's some rule somewhere that there should be an equal amount of the properties called light and dark? As I understand, in physics, dark and light are relative on a continuum, like hot and cold, right? For example, "dark spots" on the sun are actually eye-searingly bright, but are dark by comparison with the even brighter electromagnetic sea tossing around them.
"Did I understand the point you were making correctly? Are you stating that competition is necessary? That some would be dropped out of the race if they do not balance the equation?"
Not what I was saying. I only wrote what I wrote. "In the long run, we are all dead" is true of our current human habits of DNA too-- the whole gene pool, given enough time...even the crocodile-types, which haven't changed much in 300 million years, are likely to disappear some day...or at least change into a much different form. Certainly if crocodiles can remain unchanged so long, there's no need to be terribly critical of any human gene subpool.
"Because there remains numbers 'or tribes' become an imbalance by itself. Equilibrium is only possible if all are included."
Response: Equilibrium must be further defined before I understand what you are saying.
"Otherwise there will be remaining sets always. Perhaps this is the way it is. I am not certain if I understood you correctly. Perhaps we are saying the same thing."
I like the remaining sets too.
"Black is only black because the combined colors contained in the color black reflect a form of a light that can not be seen and for this reason we call it a shade and not a color the same is true with white."
It's possible to make black pigment and pour it into paint. I have some which I bought from the hardware store.
"The soul is often engage in speech with the Angle Gabrail and those dreams are in black and white."
See ya |