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Posted by Paul R. Martin on May 10, 2002 16:43:03 UTC

Hi Luis,

***It's all unclear to me too***


*** thing I understand quite well is personality.***

Does that understanding enable you to discern the personalities behind the postings on these forums? If so, I would be surprised and impressed. It is difficult for most people to understand the personalities of others with whom they come in intimate contact. On this forum, you only have the words crafted by the individual to go by. Most of us are not skilled at crafting words even in an attempt to communicate our ideas. Typically our motives are not part of what we intend to communicate, and our personalities are very far from what we intent to convey. In spite of that, if you are able to understand our personalities, my hat is off to you.

***there is a solid understanding of personality types behind my assertions, and Stafford's is a textbook case of self-delusion.***

Do you think there is a slight chance that maybe you are self-deluded regarding your amazing abilities to detect that people like Stafford are self-deluded without ever meeting him?

***Indeed, without a good grasp of math, it might be the best angle you've got to expose my incompetence.***

Are we to infer that there is something there to expose?

***on many occasions I've explained why I think Stafford's ideas are useless.***

As one of the few people who has spent much time at all studying Dick's work, I can speak with some authority about your "explanations". They have been specious fluff and totally unconvincing.

***In short, ya don't need math to see how using reductionism to tear down holism is a doomed approach.***

This ridiculous generalization is a case in point.

***Our illustrious Stafford has found no support from the physics community,***

If you understood the protocol in the academic community you would understand that the lack of support has nothing to do with the merit of his work.

***he's been pushing this stuff for 40 years.***

If you pay attention to what Dick has written, you will discover that he is not "pushing this stuff". He long ago stopped trying to interest the academics. He has offered his work, and his help in understanding it, to anyone who is interested. Being one who has taken him up on his offer, I can tell you that he does not "push" it on me.

I have also met Dick and his wife. My family has had a good time socializing with them, and Dick has become a good friend of mine. I can tell you that in the process of developing that friendship a year or so after having carried on a very lengthy correspondence, my understanding of his personality changed considerably. He is a much warmer, more relaxed, friendly and caring person than comes across in his writings. Moreso even than came across in his personal letters to me.

Based on that understanding of his personality, I can categorically tell you, and the readers of this forum, that your claim that "there is a solid understanding of personality types behind [your] assertions, and Stafford's is a textbook case of self-delusion." is utterly false. Your credibility as a result has gone to zero for me.

I am back to believing in Sasquatch.

Warm regards,


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