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To Paul

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on May 6, 2002 13:59:10 UTC

I do not agree that it's just a VR process. For example, Dick's derivation requires a flat space so that the shift 'a' is the same for all data points. When space curvature is high, as in the presence of a large mass, then the 'a' shift is in different directions for different data points. That in itself shows that Dick's fundamental equation is not the complete story of physics.

However, it is very interesting that such a result can be obtained for flat space.

Since my training is in E&M, I like to think of Dick's work in terms of the detection of E&M waves as photons. In that process, which is described by Schroedingers equation with the V(x) term equal to zero, namely the wave equation, the data points are obtained one at a time. Then the summation over i reduces to one point.

As a function of time we obtain a collection of points that tells us exactly what psi, the wave function, is.

In this case the function F cannot be zero, as when you remove the data point from the data, there is nothing left. No need for unknowable data as the data point is unique. No need for a tau axis either. You cannot get two data points with the same values if there is inly one data point at each point in time.

The four constraint equations, (minus the delta function one derived from F), given by eq(1.25) then can be solved directly to obtain exponentials, which are consistent with the wave equation.

So I wonder why the derivation does not seem to work when a single data point is obtained a each point in time. Since we may take smaller and smaller time intervals, it seems that any collection of numbers that represents reality can be reduced to a single data point at each point in time.

Any thoughts on this seeming contradiction?



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