It wrote -
"when I was your age I wasn't ramming my sloppiness home against my intellectual elders and insisting sloppiness was just as good as their work. "
Maybe you were busy ramming something else home, big daddy.
I have never once insisted that my "sloppiness" was better than your "work", as you so affectionately put it. Work? Work? Where is your "work"? I am putting forth opinions, not "work" and I have never claimed to the contrary.
It wrote -
"when the Founder of the Modern Age, Isaac
Newton, was your age, he was doing his best work"
That is great! I am so happy for Isaac. I always knew he had potential, you know, with the apple following on his head and all.
I am not sure the point you are trying to make with that statement. I am not striving to be Isaac Newton, and you are obviously no Newton yourself.
It wrote -
"Until you start trying with all your might to get it right, you will be slipping backwards, not getting better. "
Are you the little engine that could? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Slipping backwards, surely you are joking, Mr. Pearson. Although I suppose you fancy yourself like a Mr. Feyman.
For the last time - I am comfortable with my logic and my opinions. I am not boasting when I say I think I am a smart man. Not genius. Not brilliant. But smart enough to hold my own against a man like you. Don't think I am not keeping up on the posts between Dick, Aurino, Harv, and yourself. That is all material I have read about and have opinions on in my own right.
I am not using my youth to excuse my sloppy logic, I was sincerely telling you my age to give you a representation of who my cohorts are and under what demographic I have been socialized.
I wrote you a sincere post about who I was and I have been cordial as of late, but I am taking the gloves off and it is open season. I hope Cliff can take it when I insult the "welcome wagon" of the forum and show him to be the intellectual fraud that he is. Look God and Science forum on - here I come
A pissed off - Scott