Quoted from www.counterbalance.org (by a guy named Lake):
I think you are absolutely correct. You raise a a very relevant point. The notion that we have precisely five senses is pure balderdash! We may have seventy-seven senses, or we may have only three.
A man cannot taste something without also smelling it. And feeling it! Popcorn is not popcorn, minus the feel, and look, and smell, and sound of popcorn.
The "classical" classification of sensuality into five discrete categories is not only erroneous, it is positively deceitful. Sensuality properly concieved is wholistic. This is an extremely important point.
And this should include internal sensuality - both mental and physical. Five senses indeed! More like, five hundred and five
A friend of mine, trying to get rid of some raccoons who were living in his attic, captured the little animals in a sac and drove them across town - some 20 miles. In about a week they were all back! No map, no compass, they just knew their way back.
Japanese scientists are doing research on the behaviour of fish. For some unexplained reason, the little swimming creatures can predict earthquakes, sometimes hours in advance. As far as they can tell it's not something in the water.
People who suffer from epiletic seizures seldom know when they are going to have one. It's inside their bodies and they don't know. But some dogs are very good at it. At predicting when their owners are going to have seizures, that is. A humble dog can do what a neurologist with an EEG machine cannot (I'm an epiletic myself so trust me on that one)
So Cliff, never mind the "science people", they don't know more than you do, they just pretend they do.
Aurino |