Hi, Mr. Yanniru said,
"...I was asked by a supernatural being to oppose space warfare; whereas another group whose literature I was following was being asked to just the opposite- and that the being that was channeled to me confirmed that he or his buddies were responsible for both channels- suggests to me that god or the godhead tends to accomplish things via conflict and conflict resolution."
So...you say: for god, you will 'confront' and let chips fall & trust god. Please be careful with your new Mideast religion. 'one who confronts' is 'Saddam' it said on Biography.
Mr. Yanniru said,
"This has led me to postulate that god is a weak god, or perhaps a self-limited god, that has to resort to such means to rescue the world."
You work for god?
Laws by Europeans not a problem for you.
"I frankly find it more likely that what we interpret as god is really alien beings ...all-knowing beings who are trying to guide us."
And Yanniru, you work for them ! That is so cool !
Hi Mr. Martin said,
"But at the first hint that someone might pick up on any of these ideas and organize a religion around them, we should immediately clam up, and then put our utmost effort into squelching the effort to organize any religious cult. (All religions start out as cults.)"
That's neat! only on little religions and not any big ones, okay?. don't 'squelch' catholicism or allahism or judasm or protestism? scientology? (lot of new little protestantism religions you can squelch).
Thank you.