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Dear List Host And Richard Y.-R. (corrected Copy)

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Posted by Michael W. Pearson on February 28, 2002 16:07:28 UTC

Same postcard with link where it was being discussed

Richard wrote:
"This statement is pretty crude: "
Mike had written:
< I trust you have done some more homework so I wouldn't simply be correcting your basic facts.>>

Richard continued:
"I have never seen you correct anyone's facts. Like in the above post, you never reply directly to a post. Rather you change the subject, usually by being personal, like asking for one's avocation or vocation. I think you are afraid to carry on a meaningful discussion about anything."

I reply:
I do not feel that you are fairly representing
my correspondence, but if two or more of you agree, some people think that constitutes proof
that agreement supercedes science or law. Are you one of those people?

I am away, so this is another "postcard."
In answer to Richard's comment,
I am posting a link to where I felt
attacked by Jisbond and defended the fact.
Unfortunately (and this is why I am also addressing the List Host), I clearly remember
one of my responses which first had tags stripped,
when you did that, and now has been removed entirely. In that post, I posted links to Alexander's assertion that U.S. had killed millions of Native Americans and then killed millions of Mexicans...followed by Jisbond agreeing, and then my response.
In the following link, you can navigate via
the "in resonse to" link above the message
to see the context, and follow links below the message.
Unfortunately, as I clearly remember, a link has either been moved elsewhere or moved. It had my more-detailed reply to Jisbond's question "How so?"

Furthermore, I think the context in which I called Yanniru a Commie will have to be considered in the same light. I have no particular disdain for persons I have not met, nor for communists personally. If you knew me,
you would know I have frequently made statements which emphasize the similarities between state capitalism (communism) and oligarchy capitalism
(where everyone lives in a company town and shops at the company store). It is the small businesses which distinguish a free country from
communism...and Karl Marx himself probably would not mind small businesses. I am not a doctrinaire attacker. But Yanniru frequently
impressed me with a distortionist strategy in responses and theses he posted. I am sorry my post disappeared. I stand by my calling him a commie. He has never denied it.
I stand by correcting Jisbond for agreeing the
U.S. murdered such an extreme number of persons,
and that they oversimplified the matter. I am more in favor of fairness for all colors than you might realize. I have worked in coalitions for liberal versions of diversity. This does not mean my opinions must agree with Jisbond or Richard.

I did not see (Yanniru) respond as an elder statesman trying to improve the atmosphere with reconciliation and better information, but by engaging in the very forms of name-calling
("carelessuniverse") and aggressive accusations he thinks I do.
And whether I should be less blunt with my pixils or difference is that in the above point, the reason Richard "I (has) never seen you correct anyone's facts" is because he didn't read or forgot it.

If there is going to be a double standard about archiving this list, where does the falsification of records end? If the
"end justifies the means" as communists say,
remember we never reach the end but once.
All the rest of our experience will be determined by your means. If records are deceptively handled, you will not even know what happened.
Such was the case in the communist countries, even more than here.
Apologies to the list host if he does not have knowledge of this occurring. A hacker may have intervened. Obviously, someone can remove or alter posts to the list.
Greatest compliments to your list and website, and I believe everyone here believes the same, except the possible hacker's accomplices.


Michael W. Pearson

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