You are still seeing the picture incorrectly. Even if you see the cards assemble themselves one on top one of each other in a 'natural' or 'mathematical' describable manner, you still lack an explanation for what is occurring.
>>>It is not "given by God" principle. It is a mathematical consequence Fermi-Dirak statistics which results from identicity (or indistinguishability) of particles with semi-integer spin, same as Bose principle (or Bose statistics) is a mathematical consequence of identicity of bosons (integer spin particles).>So, you may see that digging in something seemingly fundamental we actually discover that it is just a mathematical result of more fundamental structure/phenomenon. And on and on. No need in god.>Indeed, declaring that digging in depth we at some level may strike "true god principle(s)" is extremely shaky proposition, because progress of math will likely show that those "god's" principles ALSO follow from more fundamental object as it was many times in the past.>>Seeing as math rules all we know, we may call it "divine" or we may call mathematical symmetries responsible for natural laws as "divine order" - so what? I would not bet much on possibility that "somebody" somehow "creates" this math (do you need God to "create" identity 2x2=4? Or to "postulate" that left=right?).>So, watching how phenomena mathematically follow from each other does not demand from us to claim that someone have to "arrange" mathematical order (or disorder, when the solution of mathematical equation governing the phenomenon is not periodic).>Math IS by itself the universal order you are talking about, it does not need "someone". |