Say, the observed FACT that measured distance s the free-falling body clears depends on time t as s=gt^2/2?
Or do you deny the FACT that this law is MATHEMATICAL consequence of the Newton's universal law of gravity: g=GM/R2.
Or do you deny the FACT that if you MATHEMATICALLY take into account the rotation of Earth, the gravity of Sun and Moon, the air resistance, the wind, etc - you get much more accurate prediction of the actual trajectory of a falling rock?
Communist science is NOT about the very simple explanation which I am sick and tired to hear in US: "God did it this way". It actually is an IGNORANCE.
Communist science is about ANALYSING how things work and how they interact with each other. And after you write down a set of equations describing the system very accurately (=in details), the solution turns to be very close to what ACTUALLY is goung on in the system, as can be verified by observations. No Gods are needed.
And of course, if you FORGOT to include in the set of equations something important, you'll get wrong answer.
Of course, "free thinking" society (as you call it) has great advantage over the communistic one, in the point that you are FREE to NOT THINK and to NOT ANALYSE (as you personally shown in your posts) but instead to say :"God did it this way".
I have heard also the following version of this statement of "open minds": "Science is Language Removed, Bible is it!" Is this your position? If so, then you have tons of catching up to do to learn about how things work.
(hint: after that you discover that they work simply mathematically, and this math about things around us and their interaction is called "physics").
But it seems to me that you never heard of such science before.
So, what do you deny from the above?