I am responding on YOUR post:
Please know I don't blame you for serious logical fallacies in Communist "science."
They come from corruption which comes from
being second best with facts, maybe -- not the Communists per se, but anyone tempted with the chance to prosper through short-cutting the facts, either in Communism or Free Enterprise.
You could not even say anything coherent about physics of falling pen, mixing force with energy and energy with acceleration, mixing parallel with perpendicular, point with line and so on. You claimed that math does not govern physical processes without knowing any math and any physics. Obviousely, you are a product of US education system - you point of wiev is very common for US and as I mentioned can be expressed by phrase: "science is Language Removed, bible is it!"
On the other hand, I am the product of communist education system, and indeed even have some "commie" scientific experience (working as scientist in Russia a while ago), so to some degree I may represent "communistic science".
As anyone can see by naked eye, your understanding of physics and math is practically next to nill. Thus, the understanding of Nature is next to nill too. On the other hand, I, the "commie", DO understand physics/math (and thus working of nature too) MUCH better. I can fill tons of gaps about nature in your virtually uneducated head. Are you from Kanzas or Utah, bu chance? Those places are especially behind in understanding Nature (they still live in pre-Darwin world).
Please know that I don't blame you for serious logical fallacies acquired in so-called "free world education system." They come from stagnation which comes from being second best with facts (of course, there is no room for facts in the heads which are already choke full with Adams, Jesuses, evels, Satans, angels, ghosts, vampires, etc), maybe -- not the Capitalism per se, but anyone tempted with the chance to prosper through short-cutting the facts.