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I Am Profoundly Ignorant!

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Posted by Richard D. Stafford, Ph.D. on November 12, 2001 17:11:11 UTC


I am very disappointed to learn that you do not post under your real name. I suppose there are reasons for such subterfuge but I myself am quite happy with the fact that I have never hidden my opinions or my actions from anyone. I was also quite disappointed with your putting Alex and "those who run the 'crackpottery' website" in exactly the same boat when they are, in fact, representatives of quite the opposite position. I think it shows lack of thought on your part.

I myself am a very opinionated old man. I have spent my life trying to make sense of what I have been told and have come to the conclusion that most all of it is unthoughtout bull. I have come to the conclusion that there exists a duality between knowledge and understanding analogous to the duality between position and momentum. Just as most ordinary events constitute an erroneous mix of inaccurate position and inaccurate momentum, most philosophic positions consist of a mix or inaccurate knowledge together with inaccurate understanding.

Knowledge and understanding are very different concepts: knowledge consists of facts and understanding consists of explanation. (A presentation of my opinion you understand.) Explanations are figments of our imagination created to make sense of our knowledge. I define "reality" to be knowledge in the total absence of understanding. One basic problem I have is that this is a very difficult concept for most people to get a handle on. Now, my presentation consists of understanding in the total absence of knowledge (other than a knowledge of mathematics that is). A complete figment of my imagination designed to present a consistent representation of any body of knowledge: i.e. information.

I am sorry you were unable to log on to my site. As I have said many times, the site is free and the performance of the site is worth exactly the price I pay. Sometimes you can get in quicker with

I have sent copies of the htm files to a number of people and would be willing to send you a copy also but to do so, I would have to have an address as to where to send it.

If you have any desire to reach me privately, you can use

Have fun -- Dick

PS. "In fact, I tend to think this is a function of your immediate environment." Oh, I agree! My "immediate environment" is that I have no contact what so ever with any "intelligent educated" people. And I pretty well gave up on achieving such a contact a long time ago! Now please, I intend no insult to anyone out there so don't take that comment as such!

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