Sorry I haven't replied until now, but better late than never, I suppose...
"A very close friend of mine, got involed with a cult. Maybe this is not a good example but I'll try. He was there for a long time. He was really getting into what they had to say. Right or wrong. Well then one day, the leader of the cult made a statement that he was in fact GOD. My friend left, immediately, no questions."
Well, I might point out that a certain Jew claimed he was God two millenia ago and now billions of people believe him. I realize you are Jewish so you don't believe Jesus was the son of God, but I think you need to admit that quite often people do NOT see when they've gone too far. I often wonder why people believe Jesus was God, when people like David Koresh claim the same thing and are ridiculed....
"I do not appreciate when people who don't believe in GOD make statements telling me that "I'm Ignorant" for believing in something that I can't see or have proof of. To be fair, I also don't like when I'm told that the GOD I worship is not the right GOD or real GOD. I have my faith, that is my right to believe. Right or wrong. Yes?"
Sorry if I gave the impression that I said you are ignorant. I didn't mean to. You are actually one of the few dogmatic theists that have been here that I can hold a conversation with. That's a step in the right direction. :)
You half-admit that belief is not based on reality, and right or wrong people believe anyway. I see your point of view, but don't you think that that selective belief is foundationless? |