Why should we not feed alternative proved information through our logic circuits? I have heard that some medication is hard to swallow because it tastes bad but we are told that it is good for us. (i.e. swallow what the prescribed medicine and reap from the benefits or rewards)
... man has been made in God’s image. What does that tell me?
I have always understood the phrase "In His Image" to mean that Allah (God) made man in an image that he formed or molded or created out from God's own infinite imagination or vision or thought etc. etc. Just like the same Allah (God) created all other existence in his own (belonging to him) image. (i.e. Image belonging to God it is to be understood as a possessive pronoun)
That Is why we are not to carve up images because we may inadvertently show a love toward it that is due only to Allah (God) and thus we would be classified as idolaters and thieves for we have stolen from ourselves the time, that Allah has given us for a while, due to be spent in on thoughts and acts that solidify our grip on our faith in Allah (God) so that we would not fall or lag behind or be lost or condemned (by our own ignorance) in our journey of life through time and space (the afterlife which we believe in).
..."Now, one of the aspects of learning is making mistakes,..."
To my understanding, what seems to be a mistake to us is actually our neurological system test. If we learn from it and repent (i.e. realize that the result of our action was negative and that it must not be repeated for if it is repeated the negative result will also repeat itself) then we have realized that Allah (God) has given us a method of self correction through an intricate system of logic circuitry in our brain. It may be that you too have asked yourself: "why do we (humans) seem to always face the same problems." The answer is that we keep committing (or acting on) the same false or erroneous theories or beliefs of convictions, which at some point in history were inserted, in human tradition rather than human logic. (Another words, the logic circuits of the brain having not received alternative information choose from available data, as in our example here, which must be corrupt or corrupted.) We must always remember that because we sometimes chose or are permitted to learn by experience we tend to equate our errors (because we use statistics or apply chance in place of proven laws in our decision making process) with that of Allah's (God's) because we frustrate ourselves to find a law that already exists. Sometimes people who are blessed with non-violent behavior blame the one (ALLAH OR GOD) whom they cannot see and sometimes people who have fallen in to a chain of violence blame other visible physical presences such as people or animals or even systems that people have devised.
Would you like to know why Jerusalem Jews and Palestinian Muslims always reach an impasse in their negotiations for peace? (I am not talking about Jews in general I am talking about specifically Zionist Jews or Jerusalem Jews because there is a difference between a Jew that pays no heed to clan hood and a Jew that shows pride in clan hood and the same is true with Palestinian Muslims; there are Muslims that are truly Muslims in all that the word implies and there are Muslims that mix tradition with the law thus they too place, at the center of the core of their logic, more value on clan hood or man-made tradition.) I felt I had to explain myself because I asked you a question that needs to be addressed in the context of my observation.
As ever Peace,