Consider this:
For centuries religion teaches: a moment of creation.
What happens? Science delivers 'the big bang' and related 'expansion of the universe' and 'cosmic micro-wave background radiation'.
For centuries religion teaches: that the Creator is everywhere and in all things.
What happens? Science delivers 'vacuum random fluctuations'.
But what is 'random'? A professional math expert agreed with me on this: there is no such thing as random. In fact, I think you can swap 'random'; really random that is; with 'unique'; and what is 'unique', if not creation? So Science delivers creation everywhere in all things.
For centuries religion teaches: "You are temples of the Holy Spirit", and "This (bread) is My (Creator's) Body, this (Wine) is my blood." What can this mean?
What happens? In the last few decades some incredible physics experiments have confirmed that reality is non-local; instantaneous interactions at a distance occur at the quantum micro-level; the whole universe acts like a single living entity where everything contains/ is connected with/ is aware of, everything else!
Many Centuries ago mankind is told that "God is Three, God is One" and that "God = Existence =Love".
What happens? Modern physicists discover that the vacuum is a false vacuum of complementary activity; that 'three superposed accelerations to give stationary pattern' is a model of reality.
It is thus the scientists who have been behind in understanding how it all works at the deeper levels.
(Harv- you asked elswhere did I think I was 'pushing it' with this reasoning- I don't think so, really.)