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Posted by Mario Dovalina on September 6, 2001 02:04:42 UTC


First off, the examples you used are needles in a haystack. There are about 1.5 million beliefs in the Bible that either are overtly wrong or are reinterpreted to a symbolic interpretation. A flat earth. Man being created before the other animals. The whole earth being flooded. The sun standing still. The earth being created in six days. The fact that a few of the "revelations" in the Bible can be loosely applied to current scientific findings means absolutely nothing.

Secondly, the Bible answers no specific things about the things it claims to describe. Early nomads figured the Earth had to come from somewhere, so they figured God created the Earth. Then, when it was shown that the entire universe was created in the Big Bang, people say to themselves "Aha! Those clever nomads were right all along! How insightful they were!" When all they did was say "The Universe came from somewhere." I might add that before the theory of the Big Bang, religious people of the day figured the Earth was created, but the Universe was thought of as eternal. Then science disproved that, so religion had to adapt to keep up. An example of religion playing catch-up to science?

Show me one example in the Bible that is not ambiguous. I think you can admit that the "truths" you claim to espound can be applied to any number of phenomena. "God is Everywhere" is in fact the same as the Cosmic Background Radiation? Give me a break. Before science discovered these things people applied them to OTHER phenomena.

And so on, and so on, ad infinitum, when science discovers something religious people didn't know, they pore over their Bibles, find some ambiguous quote, and say "Look! Look right there! See? The Bible had it right all along!"

Check up with believers 50 years from now and see how THEY interpret those same quotes.

Tell me: 5 hundred years ago, did people know about the Big Bang? About quantum mechanics? About the CMBR? No? Well, why on earth not? The source of all truth was in front of them all along, after all!

Hey, wait a minute....... this is a pretty radical idea..... but maybe religious thought loosely follows scientific thought rather than the other way around!


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