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Barlows, My Opinion

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Posted by Bob Sal on June 28, 2002 19:27:21 UTC

Well, a barlow is cool thing to have around, but not something used on a regular basis. Sort of like a novility item. The way I see it, with 3 good eyepieces you can cover a pretty good range. There not much difference between say 100x and 115x. If you have eyepieces for around 50x, 100x and 150x, you don't really need all the values between. You may want one more for about 250x, there will very few nights when you can focus higher than that. The barlow also adds another piece of the glass the the equation. Every time you pass light through glass or off a mirror you loose a little. I have a barlow, never use it. I used it occationally on my 80MM refractor with a 10MM eyepiece to look at the moon. A 5mm alone would have been better. Now people will say, well, if you have a 35MM and a barlow, you don't need a 17MM. I don't know anyone using a 35MM and a barlow to get a 17MM equivalent. Most people get something between 15MM an 20MM and would never use a 35mm and a barlow. Like I said, with a 35MM or 40MM, something between 15mm and 20MM, another around 10MM and maybe one between 5mm and 7mm, that should be great. Most times when someone puts a barlow on their scope their showing off.
"Look at this, check out Jupiter, I got a 4MM eyepiece and a 3x barlow, 850X, check it out".
"Looks like a big hazy blob to me"
"Yeah, but look how big it is!"
That's it;

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