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Posted by Richard Ruquist on February 14, 2002 14:33:57 UTC

is to realize that space is being sucked into the black hole. At the event horizon, space is speeding into the black hole at the speed of light. That is why light cannot escape.

So consider an object at rest in that space. To a distant observer, it is traveling at the speed of light. Therefore for the distant observer, time slows down and stops for the object at rest when the object passes the event horizon.

Now if that object were massive, it would also be speeding up as it is sucked into the black hole. So its speed actually reaches light speed from the perspective of a distant observer before the event horizon is reached.

But time stops for the distant observer seeing that object being sucked in. Time does not stop for the object in its local space. Its time goes on as usual and the object gets sucked all the way to the singularity where it is destroyed if not already destroyed by the tidal forces of the black hole.

I apologize for giving such short and uninformative answers in the above posts. The key to understanding black holes, in my opinion, is to realize that space is sucked into black holes. Otherwise there is no event horizon. It is space itself along with any available massive objects that is accelerated by the gravity of the black hole.



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