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Radiation And Light

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Posted by Wayne/">Wayne on January 13, 2000 14:15:31 UTC

Science contends that electromagnetic radiation and "light" are one and the same. I find this hard to accept for the following reasons: The sun's radiation carries heat to the earth, but that radiation extends outward in all directions from the sun. It follows that "light" waves or particles must take the same paths. We do not feel the heat that radiates in an upward or downward direction from the sun. Only the heat that comes from the center of the side we can see. Why then, do we see the parts of the sun that angle above and below us from the top and bottom? That radiation never reaches our eye (particle or wave) so how can we see it if radiation and light are the same thing. When we want to increase the intensity of "light" from a flashlight, we place a parabolic reflective dish behind the bulb to direct the radiation into a beam. The sun is like a parabolic reflector, only reversed. We do not hang the naked bulb out in space off the end of the battery pack, or reverse the parabolic reflector to diffuse the light. Why, because the radiation wouldn't reach far enough to light our way in those dark and scary woods. We couldn't see 20 yards, but someone a hundred yards away could see us coming. Change the math from "space-time" to "space-light" and you realize the reason we can see the top and bottom of the sun, is because we are looking THROUGH light to the glow of the radiation. Einstein's constant "c" is the speed of electromagnetic radiation, and light as well as space can be viewed as being at rest. Light is the cosmological constant Einstein searched for. It is the undefined ether, or aether (whichever you prefer) that earlier science tryed to explain. It is the medium that radiation travels through. There is only one reason I can see for any scientist to refuse to put this to the test. They know it is supported in scripture, where we are told that "light" came on the first day, and the sun, stars, and moon came into control of the intensity of the light on the fourth day. Where there is space there is light. I can't see ultra violate or infrared but I know its there. I can't see light, but I know its there. I can't see space, but I know its there. How do I know? Because I believe in TRUE science, and I can read more than one book.

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