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Re: Time Is All In Your Head.....
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by RD/">RD on September 15, 1999 12:06:50 UTC |
: If infinite time dialation is so impossible to experience......then why does the whole universe pass you by in an instant when you sleep? You ever heard of "go to sleep, you'll get there faster"??? Did I really get there faster?....seems like it to me. Eight hours of sleep can pass by instantaneously given that you don't dream. Infinite time dialation? Not exactly the kind spoken about in relativity but none the less time passes by and you don't experience it. What about if you were chryogenically frozen for two hundred years to wake up in the future? It's not the kinda dialation you speak of when refering to light speed and all that but it does lead me to believe that our consious mind plays a big role in the passage of time. : : One more thing.......If you sat and watched the "fires" of the universe "unburn" themselves as I once saw somebody in this forum put in that way........... ( For everybody that didn't see that discussion, they were refering to the one directional characteristic that time seems to have. It always moves to the future, not unlike the one directional characteristic of entropy. They said that if you saw a paper unburn itself it would appear to be moving backward in time, and if the whole universe unburned itself you end up in the past. ) Anyways back to this......if you watched the universe unburn itself would you not still be watching an event unfold as time progressed. You would only be farther in the future as the universe went backwards. Maybe after ten years of "unburning" itself the universe may appear to be younger but did not ten years pass? This leads me to believe that entropy has nothing to do with the passage of time as I once heard it put. Ten years is ten years whether something is younger or older,......ten years passed. : : One last thing, this concerns the second law of thermodynamics and the degeneration of the universe. I've had a paradox in my head for quite a while that would appear to break this law of physics and allow for the universe to be eternal. Not all clocks must run down! Here it goes...........you put a divider in a fish tank so that it divides it evenly into two halves of the tank. You fill one half up with blue liquid and the other with red. When the divider is removed the two colors of liquids touch. You notice that as time passes you see more and more purple in the middle. This is easily accounted for, the entropy or disorder of the system is risisng as the two colors mix inevitably. The red particles shoot all around ocasionly on a path to the blue side. same goes for the blue particles to the red side. The sytem slowly degenerates its high order of organization as all the red and blue mix to make purple. When the tank is totaly purple, the maximum level of entropy has been reached. All the order has been degenerated. But..... There is nothing stopping the red particles from accidently all ending back up on one side right? If they did just as they did in the beginning and shot around until by a MAJOR coincidense they all were on one side of the tank at one time, you'd see the purple slowy disolve into two colors again as the system reorders itself back to red on one side and blue on the other. The second law of thermodynamics says that this can't happen but here's the catch, the paradox, the laws of probability says that it can! Although the chance is probably 1 in a ( 1 followed by ten trillion zeros ) the chance is still there. Even if the entire life of the universe now, played itself out over and over for a million times this probably still wouldn't happen ONCE, but the fact is it can happen. A law of probability ( maybe not a law but it is an inevitable principle ) states that anything that can happen will happen given enough time. So if the time were infinite......not only would the tank go back to red and blue every once in a "VERY BLUE" moon, this would happen an infinite amount of times. I'm sure every physics book reader had to come across the analogy of a monkey tinkering around on a typewriter for eternity. this said that if a monkey sat and randomly tapped around on a typewriter long enough, he would eventualy, by chance, write the works of Shakespear. If the chance is there it must happen given enough time. Enough ramboling.....let me get back to the paradox~~~~~~~~~~> If the universe degenerates for eternity the inevitable chance that it reorders itself and starts over means that the second law of TD was broken and that the universe really can go on forever. Not only does it reorder itself once in a blue moon, it goes through this cycle indefintely. And because of the unlimited amount of time this chance has to occur it must happen sooner or later. IT MUST because of probability. Can the second law of thermodynamics be thrown out the window?, probably not, in fact most likely not, but the universe can be eternal. And not a cold dark eternity either. : Thanx for taking the time to read....GOD BLESS! : CL RD: Black holes break the second law of thermodynamics. Time is rather strange in a black hole as well. |
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