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Posted by Duane Eddy on October 25, 2004 01:34:55 UTC

You said:
I think it must be:
(1)All nature light has not wave-motion but only has particle-motion,it moves in particle but not spread by wave;

(( An experiment was preformed in which a particle emitting source was developed that only emitted one particle every few minutes. The source was placed in a black box which would not allow radiation to enter. In side the box was two slits between the source and photo film. The box was left sealed for several months.

Probability dictates that only one particle is released at a time and this particle must proceed through one of the slits and develop the film.

When the film was developed there was a wave diffraction pattern.
This would indicate that the particle passed through both slits interfered with itself and hit the film developing the film in a diffraction pattern.

If the particle is not really a wave how did it pass through both slits at the same time? ))

You said:
(2)The wave-motion of light only produce after the light "collide with" narrow-stitch,no narrow-stitch will no wave-motion of light.So wave-motion is not the nature possessionlety of light.But when existing a nature narrow-stitch,light behaving wave-motion,e.g. rainbow;

((Nodes are produced from to non parallel wave patterns without slits.))

You said:
(3)Different colour light has different speed,because contrast with below:
In electron diffraction experiment,diffraction fringe change by the changing of speed of electron.So that,if it does not pass through the narrow-stitch,different colour light could not be call "different frequency light",but only could be call"different speed light";

(( If the speed of the beam is measured it will be the speed of light regardless of the frequency with out slits. The change in the defraction pattern is predicted with wave interference theory. ))

(4)Please do the experiment of "single colour light reduce speed diffraction",you maybe could find the "frequency"of the single colour light can be changed!
If it as above,many famous experiment in history would lost it's theory basis,e.g. Melde's experiment;and physics teaching-book must be modified in large scope!

((The theory of relatively is hated by many both now and when it was first introduced. It was presented as an explanation as to why light is always measured as traveling at the constant velocity C, regardless of the velocity of the measurer or the frequency of the wave measured. Many have and are still trying to prove the idea wrong who have power position and money. If it could be proven wrong it would have been done long ago. The simple fact is that the theory gives correct predictions to a very high degree of accuracy. If the theory it is corrected it they will be small adjustments if it is to comply with measured data.
We all struggle with the fact that the theory does not seem right to us, but it does match experimental data.))


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