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Fuzzy Gap?

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Posted by Keith N. Tullis on May 30, 2004 16:35:58 UTC

Hi Bruce.
Yes it does, at least for me anyway. Since we're all different, some key viewpoints or analitical concepts may trigger am epiphany in some but not others. StringTheory is still just that, a theory. But I would like to discuss this "Fuzzy World" between the macroworld and the microworld, if your intrested. Quantum theorys help bring the two together but still do not define gravity and a few other phenomonum that occure at the Plank length and masses.
I don't know what you mean by, "The general theory reduces to the special theory for the special case where gravity isn't present". Can you point out where in the universe that gravity is not present? Where in the universe is the fabric of space "Not" streched?
On that Special relitivity blunder thing - - - You might have me there. Perhaps it was the general relitivity theory and "not" the special relitivity theory that such has been written about but it surely was one of the two. It's well documented. I could look up the event if you like but not if your dis-intrested. It may be easier for you to point out specificly where you feel I'm wrong. I really do want some constructive critisizum for I do not like to pass on errounious information. "Is it not so" that Einstein's theory did not jive with the accepted results from Newton, therefore requiring a "special" theory? Why, in your opinion, was the second theory written and can you point out where I can read that "Both" theorys were well accepted and were not in violation of one another?
I "DO" make mistakes. Sometimes I try to think too fast.
Hope to hear from you soon.
--"After all is said and done,"Gravity Rules".--

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