First of all i think your somewhat close, however i lean more towards einsteins idea that
gravity is an effect created by a massive object
warping the fabric of space time, but i think
electric field vectors play a major role as well.
Ive had a theory that anti-gravity can be pro-
duced by modulating multiple D.C. electric fields
and crossing these fields(pulsed opposing E-fields
),an interesting experiment would be to construct
two or more tesla disruptive discharge coils, these are the type called pancake coils,which are
multi-layer secondary coils, solenoidal primary,
and disruptive spark gap(compressed air,or dc magnetic field positioned between gap electrods.
This coil would be powered by rectified hvac
from a conventional neon sign type transformer, a
Van De Graff generator would also be used in conjunction with the coils, special field shaping antenna's would be attached to the coils to get the proper field interaction between coils and the
van de graff device.
According to researcher Gerry Vassilitoes, author of the book "secrets of cold war technology
" Nikola Tesla discovered a new source of energy
he called Dynamic electrostatic, or "negative electricity"(anti-energy?) he noticed this effect
with his disruptive discharge coils, these produce
a bright white hissing discharge, of far greater length and intensity than the conventional ac coils which produce the typical violet-bluish sparks, it is interesting to note that all the alleged successes in anti-gravity/free-energy can
be traced back to teslas work,hutchison antigravity effect,philadelphia experiment,moray
,edwin gray,etc...., pulsed D.C. electric fields
was the prime focuse of teslas research and is the key to manipulation of gravity, and super
efficient energy production. |