Please see my latest respectful reply to Mike regarding professionals and their math.
I ALREADY HAVE supplied EXACT MATH in my invalidation of the Michelson Morley experiment. It is perfectly legitimate high school simple arithmetic.
How can YOU state "Relativity" and "Superluminal" in the same breath?
How can you POSSIBLY state that Black Holes are not causally connected to the rest of the universe?
They're both what I term "mathbabble", based upon what I term "Virtual Logic". It pops in and out of reality like your mathematically correct "Virtual Particles".
Einstein was a humble man. Here's what he had to say in, Relativity, The Special and the General, (Three Rivers Press): "This present book is intended as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of Relativity to those readers who, from a philosophical point of view, are interested in theory, but who are not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics."
According to your St. Einstein, exact descriptions can be given without recourse to math. You may be working from an expurgated version of Einstein's work.
You people are Inflated buffoons to the educated people on the street. You've slowed down to mere Expansion, but it looks like you're Re-Accelerating. If you're not careful, you'll "Expand to Dissolution" (my sarcastic expression).
What gets me, is that so many of you professionals ridicule SciFi, when you obviously get at least half of your ideas from such conjecture.
I have provided to professionals, such lists as you have to me. And they have studiously ignored every item on them. I have already addressed the important ones on your list, especially the MM Exp, which is the foundation for all the rest.
Here's a very simple one for you: What is responsible for the radial containment of a flashlight beam made of photon particles, in granular air? Note that the attributes of air DO affect the transmission of light. Please supply the math. |