I will begin by stating that I am only 16 years old and have no scientific knowledge past that of 10th grade year biology. Now let me explain my theory behind this:
Black holes can not distort time quite simply because time does not exist. Let's think about what time really is. The dictionary defines time as "the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues." This definition is only what we can call time, because in reality, it does not exist at all. Your probably wondering my reasoning for saying that time does not exist, and that also is quite simple. Everything behind us that we have experienced, learned, and lived is our past. Everything that has yet to happen and that we are waiting for is our future. Does this not leave the present as a line of no existance? I will attempt to draw this out using typing, so lets see if it works:
PAST l Future
(The l in the middle is supposed to be a line representing the present.) A line only has no width, so we can say the width is non-existant. The present has no time, and is merely the passing point between the past and the future, so doesn't this make the present non-existant, and time as we know it non-existant? Because without the present, there is no past. This 'point of transformation' that we call the present is merely a point that takes the future and transforms it into nothing. Think about it in this resepect. At this point in time you are reading my theory. However, when you are finished, that time you spent reading it is in the past, and the time in between is non-existant because of the theory I have just explained.
After thinking over my own theory, I finally thought, why did I use a line to represent our present? Why didn't I use a dot, which has no width, length, or depth at all? Then I thought about how a dot would make more sense, but for the sake of explaining it a line would be better to understand. If a dot represented our present instead of a line (picture this in your head because it is difficult to draw out), then the diagram of how our future is drawn into oblivion would look like a dot with the future going out infinitely in every direction, and the past destroyed at the center point we call our present lives. Then it all made sense, this graphic looks exactly like the black hole itself. Indefinate amount of matter surrounding the black hole, being sucked into oblivion at one center point with no width, height, or length. Could a black hole be our universe's graphical representation of how time does not exist at all? |