After feedback from you, I have revised my Article. I request you to read my article and answer one most important question.
"Who, where, when and how it has been experimentally established that "pressure waves" in water travel with speed of sound. Has ever scientists "seen" with their own eyes that in experiment like I have given, water flows out of end "B" at heigher level or not? If scientists believe that presure waves travel with speed of sound in water i.e. 1482 m/s, then we can use only 15 Km long pipe to see it with "our own eyes". Has ever scientists bothered to perform such experiment?
I agree, neither I have performed such experiment. But doesn't it lead to raise suspicion about current knowledge of physics regarding information transfer if no one on planet earth has experimentally verified it? And we know, certainly we will not need million dollar budget to perform such experiment.
Any reader can reply me with his/her criticism, suggestion, comments in this thread or e-mail me on my e-mail address:
I am looking forward for support, help from you in whatever manifestation it comes. Thank You very much.
Mr. Abhijit Patil, C/o LIC of India, Shahada city, Dist: Nandurbar, Maharastra State, India. Pin: 425 409. E-Mail Address:
Second Postulate of Einstein's theory of relativity says that 'no entity that carries energy or "information" can exceed speed of light'. This manuscript aims to falsify this.
We are aware of example of "superluminal scissors" in which, we think, ends of blades(one light year long) of scissors can travel many times faster than speed of light. Physics explain that this does not happen in reality. I am giving below my logical experiment which explain that information can really travel many times faster than speed of light. It has no speed limit.
Logical Experiment:
Please Note: I am giving larger system only for the sake of better understanding. In fact, this experiment applies to any system. Fundamental concept of this experiment is that if "information" regarding event i.e. change in situation has speed limit, then we can "use" this speed limit to "create free, extra energy". I am giving speed of sound in my experiment only because physics explain that pressure waves travel in water with speed of sound in water. Even if we say that pressure waves travel with speed of light, it does not affect my experiment in any way. I request reader to concentrate on this fundamental concept while reading this Article. And I am stressing on word "information" and not "energy" as physics explain. My ideas regarding energy are completely different from established knowledge of physics. But that is beyond scope of this Article because I will have to start right from Big-Bang and I will have to use new words like "density of space" instead of Gravity which might confuse reader. So aim of this Article is only to prove that "information Transfer" has no speed limit.
Imagine a circular water reservoir of radius 1000 meter and depth 10 meter fully filled with water. Hose pipe of cross sectional radius 2 cm is attached to bottom of reservoir. Let length of this pipe be 3 million km and arranged in horizontal, spiral structure on ground so that water reservoir is near our left hand and open end "B" of pipe, with valve, is near our right hand touched to ground. (End "A" at left hand is attached to bottom of water reservoir and end "B" is near our right hand). The entire horizontal 3 million Km long pipe on ground is full of water.
Let us open the valve at end "B" so that, due to pressure difference, water begins to flow out of end "B" on ground with speed 10 m/s(for example only. In fact, if pipe is not connected at end "A", according to equations speed of water will be 14 m/s. But we are considering friction of water with pipe. Hence speed of water will decrease. Reader should note that we are not going to change length of pipe in our experiment. So friction will be constant throughout experiment). According to Physics, this information regarding flow of water from end "B" will travel back across the full length of pipe i.e. 3 million Km with speed of sound. Speed of sound in water is 1482 m/s. So it will take about 2,024,291 seconds i.e. 23 days 10 hours 18 minutes and 11 seconds to reach this information to water level in reservoir and only after that water level in reservoir will come down. After such a long time, there will be steady, uniform flow of water in pipe.
Now there is steady flow of water in pipe. According to equation of continuity, as cross sectional area of pipe throughout 3 million Km is uniform, speed and volume of water entering the pipe from reservoir at end "A" is exactly equal to speed and volume of water leaving the pipe at end "B". Let us lift the last 100 meter segment of hose pipe at end "B" straight up in vertical direction pointing towards sky. Remember, we are lifting only last 100 meter segment of pipe. NOT ENTIRE PIPE. Now height of water column in reservoir is 10 meter and at end "B", in vertical hose pipe is 100 meter.
Obviously, water pressure in 100 meter vertical pipe is greater than that in reservoir. But problem is that how the water in reservoir will come to know that we have changed situation at end "B" and water pressure at end "B" is greater so that it should stop flow of water towards end "B" and allow water from vertical pipe i.e. end "B" to flow towards reservoir to maintain equilibrium. Because established knowledge of physics says that this information regarding change in pressure at end "B" will travel back towards reservoir with speed equal to speed of sound in water. So it will take 23 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds for this information to reach to water reservoir. As water in reservoir has no information what we have done at end "B"during this time, it will continue to flow as if nothing is happened!. According to equation of continuity, same volume of water which left reservoir will continue to flow through hose pipe at end "B" 90 meter above level of water in reservoir. And it will continue to flow for 23 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds!
Please note, during these 23 days and 10 hours, end "B" is at 90 meter higher level than water level in reservoir. But still, due to extremely slow rate of information transfer regarding change in situation, water pressure at end "B", Water in reservoir simply don't "know" that water pressure at end "B" is changed and water flow is directed in vertical direction! Hence water will continue to flow at height 90 meter above the water level in reservoir without any energy! This defies gravity. And we can calculate the tremendous amount of water which will flow at higher level during these 23 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds(25425.09 cubic meter, in our experiment. We can increase it by increasing length and cross sectional area of hose pipe). Yes, we have spent energy in lifting pipe. But we can calculate it. It will be negligible compared to what we are getting in return.
My question is "Can It Really Happen?"
We know, only one answer: YES or NO.
(1) If YES, then in this way, we can lift water from oceans to higher level in dams without spending any energy at all. And we can use it in hydroelectric power plants to generate power. Better to shut down all the thermal and nuclear power plants on earth We don't need them. Because we will have never ending source of "free energy". This is completely against law of conservation of energy and totally illogical, inconceivable.
(2) If NO, then it means flow of water stopped at exactly same moment when we lifted hose pipe above level of water in reservoir. In another word information regarding change in situation at end "B" reached to water level in reservoir at exactly same moment!. At least 10 times faster than speed of light. But second postulate of Einstein's theory of relativity does not allow this.
If we say that YES! The water will continue to flow 90 meter above level of water in reservoir! That is because just before we changed situation at end "B", the water in horizontal pipe all over 3 million km length of pipe has gained momentum. And this momentum will supply energy to water to enable it to flow 90 meter above the water level in reservoir for 23 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds! We may think that no law is violated. But we ignores completely that at the end of 23 days and 10 hours, we have tremendous amount of water at height 100 meter which was initially at 10 meter only and we have spent negligible energy.
The gravitational potential energy associated with particle-earth system depends only on vertical position or height of the particle. Equation of potential energy is PE = mgh. So reader should note that when the water was in reservoir, its PE was 10mg and after 23 days 10 hours, its PE will be 100mg. Hence it has gained 90mg PE. And we have spent negligible energy to lift the pipe at end "B" in few seconds. I request reader to concentrate on this argument. Where from that "extra" 90mg came? We can use this "extra" PE to create "extra" power in hydroelectric power plants. And please note that, I have given 100 meter height for example. We can increase the height to extent we want. And we can "create" tremendous potential energy. So all the power companies are invited to this "free lunch"!
In reality, momentum of water can never be so large to enable it to flow above water level in reservoir. In daily life, we have seen that when the opening end of pipe is at the bottom or below the bottom of reservoir in our homes, water comes out with tremendous speed. So we think that with such speed it can easily flow above water level in reservoir. But NO. It does not happen. Reader should also concentrate on example of Roller Coster. In roller coaster, we come down towards earth with enormous speed due to gravity. But that speed can never throw us "above" the point from where we begin to come down. Most simple example is of pendulum. Potential energy of any body must be exactly equal to kinetic energy and at any point of time PE + KE must be constant.
Reader should also concentrate on fact that if we close valve at end "B" to stop flow of water completely either in horizontal or vertical direction, then where the water which is still flowing from reservoir to end "B" will go during these 23 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds? It has not received any information regarding change in situation at end "B". So it must flow. Will it get "compressed" all the time?
We are concentrating on speed of sound in water only because physics tells us that information transfer takes place in water with this speed. In fact even if we assume that information transfer in water takes place with speed of light, it does not affect our experiment in any way. Only thing we will have to do is to increase length of pipe for better understanding. Reader might argue that water will not flow at all in such long pipe, but he should concentrate that in other words he is saying that water in pipe will turn in moleculear structure like that of metal. And reader will have to explain, how can this happen.
It is no denying fact that it is almost impossible for us to arrange such 3 million Km long pipe to verify the truthness of this experiment. But certainly we can do this experiment with just 15 Km long pipe. In fact, I think, in any city, underground water supply network is longer than 15 Km. If information regarding change in water pressure really travels with speed of sound, then it will take at least 10.12 seconds to reach state of equilibrium. We can lift other end "B" to just few centimeter above water level in reservoir. During these 10.12 seconds water will continue to flow "above" water level in reservoir. If this happens, then certainly it is against law of conservation of energy and gravity. If such experiment is already done somewhere, I request reader to inform me on my e-mail address. If such experiment is not done at any time in history, then I wonder, how can we assume that information transfer in water take place with speed of sound.
"Who, where, when and how it has been experimentally established that "pressure waves" in water travel with speed of sound. Has ever scientists "seen" with their own eyes that in experiment like I have given, water flows out of end "B" at heigher level or not? If scientists believe that presure waves travel with speed of sound in water i.e. 1482 m/s, then we can use only 15 Km long pipe to see it with "our own eyes". Has ever scientists bothered to perform such experiment?
I agree, neither I have performed such experiment. But doesn't it lead to raise suspicion about current knowledge of physics regarding information transfer if no one on planet earth has experimentally verified it? And we know, certainly we will not need million dollar budget to perform such experiment.
Any reader can reply me with his/her criticism, suggestion, comments in this thread or e-mail me on my e-mail address:
We should come to the conclusion that when we lift pipe, the flow of water must stop at exactly same moment it reaches level of water in reservoir. Whatever may be length of pipe, it does not matter. Even if single drop of water flow above water level in reservoir without energy, law of conservation of energy collapse. If there is really speed limit for information transfer, we can "use" it in this way to gain "free energy". But this does not happen. So information regarding occurrence of event between two points separated by 3 million Km long distance can travel at exactly same moment, obviously many times faster than light. In fact, information can travel with infinite speed. So second postulate of relativity is wrong.
Thank you very much.