from my text book in 1st grade to the introduction of "the brief history of time" by carl sagan....
i have known that celestial bodies show spin around their own axis including earth,moon,sun and even the mighty black holes in the galactic centres...and even somehting like human being would be sent spinning off into the space if the gravity of earth is switched off somehow....
my question is :
why do bodies show spin????factors and conditions affecting this spin???? and of course what will happen if bodies dont show spin abt their own axis..?????
i also know that a certain formulated rotational velocity(speed)and hence a certain frequency is required in producing artificial gravity in satellites...
my question is:
what is any role of this spin abt one's own axis in celstial bodies such as earth,moon etc.....????
i also know that an accretion disc composed of gases is formed around a black hole .....
what is the relation betweent he formation of this disc and the rotation black hole ????is there any or not????
what are the saturn rings are made of???why,when,and due to which factors such rings are observed and why they are visible in case of saturn ????and all the other general WHYS abt these rings??????
there is a spin in the elementary particles too and hence a certain angular momentum is also possessed by them
my q:
is there any relation of this particular spin with the one associateed with celestial bodies????
if yes,,expalin????
if no,,then explain the nature of this spin tooo??
tell me
where i am wrong
and why