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Re: Re: Re: Regarding This Is Gre

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Posted by Alexander on February 9, 2001 19:47:35 UTC

John, do not worry, no one here seriousely consider you or anyone else to be bad or something. You are nice fella, kind of productive in writing (I, for instance, can not write that fast), and have some interesting thoughts.

You know, I have some background in math and physics, but I do not qualify myself to rise and say: Einstein is wrong - I have to learn plenty just to understand how field equations work (especially in extreme cases).

Therefore, if somebody says: Einstein (Newton, Maxwell, etc.) is wrong, the first question is "Where exactly he is wrong and what facts support that in THIS particular place he is incorrect?" So, to argue about Einstein, Newton, etc, you HAVE to KNOW what they wrote.

Second point is that there are so much evidence that indeed Einstein was so right that we probably should now consider calling GR a LAW of NATURE instead of a "just theory". Clocks slow, light falls, gamma rays become "reddish" as they rize up against gravity, distances shrink, black holes are found by numbers, rotating newtron stars drag space nearby them, speed of gravity is verified to be equal to speed of light to 1% accuracy, etc.

Another issue is what CAUSES gravitational interaction (or, by other worts, WHY mass-energy bends space)? Neither Newton nor Einstein answered this question despite that both were thinking about it really hard (Newton did not publish his paper for almost 20 years before he finally gave up to explain the source of gravity ad said:"I frame no hypothesis" (meaning, "I have no answer for WHAT gravity is"), Einstein spent more than 30 years in active search for the mechanism of why mass/energy bends space, with little success).

So, nobody here will tell you a word if you ask questions (we all are here to learn and to share), or if you propose something - new ideas, new opinions, fresh looks, etc. But if you want to CLAIM something, it is different story - you HAVE to have a substantial backup.

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