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Alexader & Bruce Thanks !

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Posted by John Reyes on February 9, 2001 22:30:05 UTC

Thanks Guys much appreciated

I do understand science and on top of all my views which I am fully aware are eccentric then it is very difficult to explain my theory which at times tests my own thinking ,even Max Planck told einstein to avoid the problem of gravity that it is too difficult a subject .

I am sure you agree that I have come up with new tactical ideas or questions but somewhere along our discussions which were at times holding a captive audience something went wrong blame my interpretation of events I cannot pinpoint the moment and I do not care anymore for I am happy to know that I have been forgiven which is far better than feeling bad about the way I were going to leave this site , I know it was bold for me to come back and be honest and clean but I could still kick myself and its tough .

Many people have asked me the question as to what lead me from science to religion as opposed from religion to science , I guess each individual sees in a different light and is then attracted by it .
I do not have a religion though I was brought up as a catholic , I believe in God but today I am neutral because I am disgusted that many religions have been the cause of many deaths and I detest all those in israel and surrounding areas who pray to God yet shoot and kill and seek revenge and all this surrounding the very birth place of Christ , I think it is very disrespecful to act in such a way on holy land where they should really feel priveliged to live there .

So my change never came about from one to the other I just have a curious mind and I too wondered how things worked,I now know the origin to my curiosity for I have always been interested in science which my interest got me into trouble a few times whilst experimenting when I was thirteen onwards , I could tell you a story or two there , later though I got into UFO's and wondered what made them hover which I feel may come up in a later discussion , from there I entered cosmology and read about nearly all subjects since .

So whilst I believe in God then my views remaining eccentric then I guess I have my way of understanding in an insane way , cant think what would happen if I were proven right but I hope it would happen after I have long left this earth .

I think there is much to learn and not enough time for us to learn it in so each generation adding their bit is our only way forward and I believe that we have had past generations far more advanced than we care to believe which have been wiped out through virus or what ever hence we are left with puzzling historical monuments and artifacts. Today I think our knowledge would be far more advanced and so would our civilisation , we would probably have bases on the moon today if it were not for money , such a waste of humanity has occurred because of it and so it slows our progress , we see the ISS being built yet whilst it represents many countries in friendship perhaps a huge spaceship should have been built instead that could be of multipurpose use , it could be a laboratory as well as taking trips to mars etc being fully equiped means on the spot rescues and scientific research .

Any way seem to have rambled on a little there guys but I am glad that the waters have also long passed you both , whilst water may circle the earth then I shall remain in the desert so our friendship and understanding can continue .

Regards to both of you

John Reyes

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